... and if anything, I'm MORE pissed off at the democratic leadership because I don't have to filter out the corporate bullshit to get a little reality. Assuming things on corporate TV haven't changed all that much, what you get from the more "moderate" pundits -- in other words, not Fux Nudes and not the CNN Barbie and Ken dolls -- is condescension and scolding, not pure venom.
All they're really doing is engaging in citizen obedience training, and that means they have to acknowledge that the US has a vibrant two-party system (although it really doesn't), and that, as a result, democrats have a proper place in the US political landscape. That place is usually seen as janitorial in nature, but at least mainstream pundits admit democrats are occasionally somewhat useful.
I've achieved my current level of condescension, ridicule and outrage over these frauds just by keeping up with real news via the Internets. If I want to know what's happening in my own country, the last place I'm going to find it is in material published in or broadcast from the US. I need to look at the international press and some of the more informative US news sites and blogs.
So the points are a) My opinions aren't shaped at all by US media; b) I learn everything I can from sources on the internet, from non-mainstream magazines, and from books on history, politics, sociology, human behavior and so forth; c) As a result of using these types of sources, my opinion of this democratic congress, and particularly its leadership in both houses, literally couldn't go any lower.
So it's not mass media that's causing democrats to despise their "leadership." It's the leaders themselves. After all, they prattled endlessly prior to last year's elections about ending the Iraq disaster if we'd just give them a congressional majority. OK. Done. And how have they used that majority?
Instead of simply killing all war appropriations bills from BushCo by tabling the measures and not allowing them to come to a vote, they're worried that the remaining 172 undecided voters in the country will be told by Fux Nudes that democrats are not supporting the troops and they'll lose all 172 votes.
So they parse and evade and dodge and dance around the unchallenged fact that, so far, Bushie has gotten every single nickel he's begged to continue his blood bath in the Middle East. In fact, earlier this year, they even slipped him an additional $10 million BEYOND the appropriations request. Somebody must have owed another somebody at Lockheed Martin a very big favor.
And then there's impeachment. I've already written reams on that one, and you can check my journal for my opinion on how well that's going. Main point is, the leadership has decided that their oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, is just a quaint bit of old school jibberish and that compliance is optional and subject to their sense of realpolitik.
Note that their sense of realpolitik is so thoroughly lousy that they're afraid to launch impeachment hearings against a universally despised snarling sociopath with a 9 percent approval rating. They feel such proceedings might jeopardize their own lofty mid-teens approval rating, I suppose, which demonstrates such epic stupidity and contempt for their constituents that they may well find themselves back in the minority next November if this continues.
And of course they have no time for impeachment because they're ever so busy dealing with more urgent matters. Here's a look at the urgent matters the house is dealing with this week
No, it's not corporate media that makes people crazy about the 110th Congress. It's their job performance, their priorities, their gross ineffectiveness, their constant excuses, their inability to act like an opposition party, their inability to admit that they were elected as the anti-war/anti-BushCo party, and their continued refusal to do a damn thing about either issue.
I'll applaud them just as soon as they deserve it. I have a feeling that might be a while in coming.