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Prominent Stem Cell Researcher Praised By Bush Rips White House’s Stem Cell Policies

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ProSense Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-03-07 09:30 PM
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Prominent Stem Cell Researcher Praised By Bush Rips White House’s Stem Cell Policies
Edited on Mon Dec-03-07 09:39 PM by ProSense

Prominent Stem Cell Researcher Praised By Bush Rips White House’s Stem Cell Policies

Last month, University of Wisconsin professor James Thomson — the first scientist to successfully isolate embryonic stem cells — and his colleagues published a paper in Science Magazine stating that human skin cells could be “reprogrammed” into embryonic stem cells.

President Bush has refused to directly fund embryonic stem cell research, twice vetoing such legislation. The White House was therefore quick to herald Thomson’s work, claiming it vindicated Bush’s position:

President Bush is very pleased to see the important advances in ethical stem cell research reported in scientific journals today. By avoiding techniques that destroy life, while vigorously supporting alternative approaches, President Bush is encouraging scientific advancement within ethical boundaries.

Right-wing columnist Charles Krauthammer declared, “The verdict is clear: Rarely has a president — so vilified for a moral stance — been so thoroughly vindicated.” “An official of one group fiercely opposed to destroying embryos said the “scientists should thank ‘pro-life voices’ for pushing them to find alternatives.”

But Thomson and American Association for the Advancement of Science President Alan Leshner could care less about the administration’s approval. In a Washington Post op-ed today, the duo slams the right-wing response to their work, stating that the Bush administration’s restrictive stem cell policies are “counter to both scientific and public opinion” and are inhibiting potential treatments:

At a time when nearly 60 percent of Americans support human embryonic stem cell research, U.S. stem cell policy runs counter to both scientific and public opinion. President Bush’s repeated veto of the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act, which has twice passed the House and Senate with votes from Republicans and Democrats alike, further ignores the will of the American people. <…>

(U)nder the policy President Bush outlined on Aug. 9, 2001, at most 21 stem cell lines derived from embryos before that date are eligible for federal funding. American innovation in the field thus faces inherent limitations. Even more significant, the stigma resulting from the policy surely has discouraged some talented young Americans from pursuing stem cell research.

As Science Progress notes, the skin cell research could not have been accomplished without the knowledge from prior embryonic stem cell research.


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Canuckistanian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-03-07 10:05 PM
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1. I just heard a discussion of this subject not 2 hours ago
It was on our Ontario Public TV channel, TVO.

A bioengineer explained that while this is a breakthrough, it is certainly not the time to abandon embryonic stem cell research. It is still far too early to state confidently that the skin cell method can produce the same results as the embryonic cells.

Not only that, but it hasn't been proven to work on human cells yet. So far, it's only worked on mice.
And further, the researchers noted that the new stem cells actually caused cancer in a significant number of mice. That problem was fixed with the tweaking of a few genes, but it goes to show that MUCH work is to be done to make it a safe therapy.

The bioengineer noted that Bush's ban on embryonic cell lines partially prompted the search for new stem cell sources but also had seriously impaired existing research because of the reduced number of stem cell lines to work with. Also, many scientists just decided to drop their studies or get out of the field entirely because of the political controversy.

The bioengineer also said (in polite language) that Krauthammer was full of it, since no serious researcher is considering giving up embryonic research. In fact, much work is to be done on embryonic cells just to understand the processes involved. All the previous work can't just be thrown out.
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Richard Steele Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-03-07 10:07 PM
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2. K&R
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HCE SuiGeneris Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-03-07 10:11 PM
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3. More evidence of the double-speak spewing from the mal-administration.
I love it when the voice of truth (Thompson and Leshner) finds a foothold in the MSM where the public can see it. K & R
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Bluebear Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-03-07 10:26 PM
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4. kick rec
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