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Poll: Giuliani, Clinton Support Slips A Month From First Votes - USA Today\Gallup

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WillyT Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-03-07 09:50 PM
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Poll: Giuliani, Clinton Support Slips A Month From First Votes - USA Today\Gallup

WASHINGTON — National support for Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton and Republican Rudy Giuliani significantly eroded during the past month, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds. The sign of volatility in both parties comes a month before the Iowa caucuses open the presidential primary season.

Clinton's standing among Democrats dropped by 11 percentage points from early November, and Giuliani's standing among Republicans fell by 9 points, though both continue to lead their fields.

The big winner: Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, who jumped from fifth place among Republicans in early November to second place now, 1 point ahead of former Tennessee senator Fred Thompson and Arizona Sen. John McCain.

Giuliani leads Huckabee 25%-16%. Clinton leads Illinois Sen. Barack Obama 39%-24%.

The telephone surveys of 425 Republicans and Republican-leaning independents and 494 Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents have margins of error of +/—5 percentage points.

Clinton and Giuliani, who have topped each of 21 USA TODAY polls taken this year, had never suffered such steep month-to-month drops before. And no contender in either party had scored as sharp a month-to-month boost as Huckabee.

"You can't argue that this is an Iowa-only event; it clearly has gone nationwide," Republican strategist Alex Vogel says of Huckabee's rise. A Des Moines Register poll published Sunday showed him leading in Iowa. "The real question is not 'Is it real?' It's 'Can the campaign organization catch up fast enough?' "



New York v. New York in jeopardy???


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AX10 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-03-07 09:51 PM
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1. Will the GOP primary become Romney v. Huckabee?
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WillyT Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-03-07 10:05 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. I Think The RW Christians Are Flocking To Huckabee Which Screws Up Romney, But...
the Hawk and Wall Street faction of the rePukes want either Giuliani or McCain.

Personally, if the stories of Giuliani keep up, I think it may end up Huckabee v. McCain.

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