From Rasmussen Daily Poll. Huckabee could soon be in first NATIONALLY. Wow. BootyGate is killing Rudy.
Also the Huckster is 5 ahead in Iowa:
DesMoines Register Iowa Caucus Poll: Dec. 1, 2007
Huckabee 29%
Romney 24%
Guiliani 13%
Thompson 9%
McCain 9%
http://www.rasmussenreports.com/Huckabee on the POPULIST issues:
On the Republican party's traditional economic position:
"I understand that the economy for every American is not just whizzer-bang fantastic," he says. "I'm not necessarily in total sync with the small universe of Republicans who are the CEOs of Wall Street companies, although many of them know what I'm saying is the truth. But I'm very much in sync with the guys who work up and down the factory line."
On Unions:
"The real fact is, unions are going to take a more prominent role in the future for one simple reason: A lot of American workers are finding that their wages continue to get strapped lower and lower while CEO salaries are higher and higher.
And the reality is that when you have the average CEO salary 500 times the average worker, and you have the hedge fund manager making 2,200 times that of the average worker, you're going to create a level of discontent that's going to create a huge appetite for unions.
So unions are the natural result of workers finally saying, ‘Look, I can't go from a $70,000 year job to a $15,000 a year job and feed my family of four.’ That's when unions are going to come back in roaring form."
On trade:
"Free trade has to be fair trade. We are losing jobs because of an unlevel, unfair trading arena that has to be fixed. Behind the statistics, there are real families, real lives, and real pain. I'm running for President because I don't want people who have worked loyally for a company for 20 or 30 years to walk in one morning and be handed a pink slip and be told, ‘I'm sorry, but everything you spent your life working for is no longer here.'"
Of course he thinks the universe is only 6,000 years old, so no one is perfect....