Michael Dukakis appealed to a limited slice of the electorate, not much outside the NE United States. He lacked a unifying message which inspired change and instilled confidence in his leadership. Talking to people on main street USA back in 1988, very few were really excited by Dukakis. He ended up losing the General in a landslide.
IMO, I don't see any real enthusiasm for Hillary's candidacy on the streets 20 years later.
And yet...
Obama, Edwards, Kucinich all inspire passion by those who support them. Passion for change, passion for their candidacy, and a sense that if they are elected --- it will NOT be business as usual. I do see and hear excitement on the streets for them.
I hope people see the similarities between Clinton and Dukakis and not let history repeat itself. Dukakis's tank is Clinton's Kyle-Lieberman vote. False bravado.
Lets make a new history! Lets elect a Democrat that truly represents change and passion and brings people out to vote with enthusiasm! :toast: :kick: :hi: