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Texas GOP Launches New Vote Suppression Scheme

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
marmar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-04-07 09:29 AM
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Texas GOP Launches New Vote Suppression Scheme
from AlterNet's PEEK:

Texas GOP Launches New Vote Suppression Scheme

Posted by GottaLaff , Brave New Films at 6:02 AM on December 4, 2007.

GottaLaff: Ya think Tom DeLay, that darling of the Republican fraud sector has his hot-tub-shriveled fingerprints all over this one?

This post, written by GottaLaff, orignally appeared on Cliff Schecter's Brave New Films Blog

A Republican voter fraud initiative in Texas is actually a partisan scheme to retain power. How? By suppressing voter turnout of those who don't fall in line with Republicans.

Ya think Tom DeLay, that darling of the Republican fraud sector has his hot-tub-shriveled fingerprints all over this one?

At the same time, former Tom DeLay aide and current Tom Craddick ally, John Colyandro, who remains under felony indictment for money laundering and other charges, has formed a "think tank" that is already using faulty data and illogical statistics to justify vote suppression tactics.

But voter fraud does not exist. Tom's bff Texas House Speaker Tom Craddick says so. What? That's not true? I'm shocked.

These most recent Texas Republican efforts to suppress voter turnout are consistent with Texas AG Greg Abbott's taxpayer funded phony voter fraud enforcement unit that the Lone Star Project has exposed and reported on extensively here.

Why do Tom Craddick and other Texas Republican leaders want to spend taxpayer resources to examine a problem that doesn't exist? Clearly Craddick, Abbott and others are attempting to justify dramatic changes in Texas law and election practices, including voter photo ID requirements, senior mail ballot restrictions and voter roll purges, that will reduce overall voter turnout as demographic changes take place in Texas that are increasing the influence of minorities in Texas elections.

There's a thorough fact check on this that's well worth a look. Go here. Then go pull your hair out. Then, after you've achieved baldness, go donate to your favorite Dem.

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gratuitous Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-04-07 09:34 AM
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1. Incredibly short-sighted and foolish
I guess they're such snakes, though, that they figure that they'll come up with a new scheme once this one has been exposed and the electorate, justifiably angry, comes back in even greater numbers to turn these con artists out of office and get them away from the levers of power.

In the meantime, outwork these bastards (because they're basically lazy anyway, otherwise they'd spend their time trying to win free and fair elections), expose their perfidy, and be very quiet as they commit a blunder that will consign them to the political wilderness for another four decades.
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