How come Iran doesn't get to have Nuclear Weapons??
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Tue Dec-04-07 10:11 AM
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How come Iran doesn't get to have Nuclear Weapons?? |
Doesn't seem fair to me.
I reckon if I was Iranian, living in Iran, I'd want to have Nukes too.
Deja Q
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Tue Dec-04-07 10:12 AM
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1. Okay, you can give them nukes. But don't complain if they use the nukes. |
And if they used them on you, you wouldn't be able to complain at all.
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Tue Dec-04-07 10:13 AM
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2. Because they wouldn't handle them responsibly, like we do |
You know, losing them, dropping them without warning on civilian populations that can't fight back and can't get away, and generally threatening the rest of the world to toe our line or face the consequences. Responsible.
Deja Q
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Tue Dec-04-07 10:15 AM
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3. China has pulled 1/3rd is population out of poverty and all those H1Bs aren't here at gunpoint. |
Seems we're facing the consequences in the form of a battered economy, job losses, poor quality products when not toxic ones.
But what would I know; I'm so fine-tuned on one tree that I overlook the forest. And even then the forest is bound to be a figment of my imagination anyway.
Back to studying a practical trade and not meandering over hyperbole I go...
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Tue Dec-04-07 10:20 AM
Response to Reply #2 |
4. You forgot "using them"... |
Aren't we still the only country to have used nuclear weapons?
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:40 PM
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