She has finally disgusted me to no end. I have been wrestling between her and Edwards for awhile because of her republican-lite waffling on Iran, Iraq, and health care issues, but she just turned me to Edwards.
She was just on the tube doing some bashing of Obama saying "would you rather have someone with the international experience from day 1 (supposedly her), or someone inexperienced who joined the Senate just to run for president" (meaning Obama).
What turned my stomach was the smarmy smirk she put on her face while she defamed Obama with her hoity-toity attitude. I would have liked to have seen a female president about now, our nation is overdue, but today she convinced me that she is not the one at all.
What I'm hoping for now is an Edwards/Obama ticket. Hillary is just another low-baller pol with no class, as she so readily just exhibited to me this afternoon. Just disgusting.