Well, I don't want to be a member anymore.
It's rather sad that at the height of technology, and sharing ideas through a medium of what would of been unimagined twenty years ago, it has come to this.
I suppose it's the sign of the times, hyper-concern for the mundane, but a passing yawn for the truly important.
I am not an expert on anything, but I do vote, and I vote for what I believe in. I vote no matter what for the person that is put up by my party, even though that candidate most likely will only let me have rights as a gay person to a "blocked" limit. That is one of the ultimate blocks. A block I will probably never see lifted in my lifetime. I go along and vote still, knowing that it's what I should do. There are places you can go and have like minded people talk, to vent frustration at the status quo, and yes have heated discussions on topics such as this, but these are strange times, with stranger candidates that seem more like the opposition than your candidate; and thats on items from the War to gay rights. I am not comparing gay rights with the ending of the war, obviously the war end is more important, but truly a Democrat would not have to parse their words with surgical precsion. Right is right.
So the "block" thing. It's really quite sad and disturbing. Some of the thigs I feel strongly about now have to be peer reviewed by my fellow Democrats here, and pass a test. A test that has no study guide, nor a format. Just catch someone on a bad day, post on a topic, and who knows?
So the requisite "door on the ass, I had you blocked anyway, you were on ignore anyhoo, good riddance, stop the drama, get a life/hobby/out more/boyfriend," please feel free to let them fly. I just never thought that the day would come when issues of typing and possibly getting offended and then having the recourse of what is a Mikadoesque "little list" generated that can be compared, cross checked, and the result a list of names "blocked" in one instance quite a list.
So I would like to read what you think for a day, it's the morbid curiosity, but after tomorrow, I will be gone. Since it has been decided already for the next election that gay rights is verboten, then I will hope for a better group of candidates, and an unblocked life.