George was werkinhard for weeks on his very own speech, but Dick would not let him read his own speech..
Poor George..
He even planned some graphics
he worked hard on his poster..and even stayed in the lines (well.. most of the time)
The speech was tested on freepers, and they swooned with delight..(see photo)
Hi folks. Thanks fer comin..
(waves to Laura)
Iraq is a country
Iraq is a big country
Mean people live there
They are evil
We must kill them
911 made us do it
Iraq is a long way off (I think it's near Paris)
There was a prison there named Abbott Gravy (or sumthin like that)
Bad things happened there (and they tried to blame it on us..)
All in all it's been a fabulous year , except for that war that Saddam bin Laden started, but I got him good..
Almondjihad better watch his step or he's next.
He shoulda knowed better'n to Mess with Texas.
The economy's great. Everybody's been shopping, and Walmart's hiring like crazy.
Oh.. I almost forgot. A how-ya-doin' to that gal, Nancy who's the boss of congress now.
Every problem we have can be fixed with TWO little words
Tax cut.,
Thanks fer comin' to see my speech