Granted, not all of the headstones represent those who died in combat. But there are far too many in these acres.
Why is there always enough money for F-15s, aircraft carriers and other assorted military playthings (except, of course, protection for those on the ground actually
doing the fighting) but never enough money for education, housing, health care, infrastructure rebuilding, public transportation, etc?
DC doesn't need 50,000 more names on a black wall.
We need to start caring about veterans. Starting with not making any more of them.
We need to start caring about the poor.
We need to start constructing better safety nets for the unemployed.
We need to repair our crumbling roads, bridges, buildings and schools.
Those who are well off need to stop hoarding wealth and start becoming more responsible citizens. Even yesterday's Robber Barons were more philanthropic compared with today's examples of runaway opulence.
No citizen of supposedly the most powerful industrialized nation should have to constantly live in fear of a major illness bankrupting their entire family.
No citizen should have to owe his or her life for cradle-to-grave corporate servitude.
Corporations and the wealthy do not need any further advantages and perks of any kind; yet they're clamoring for more billions in tax cuts, the lions share of which will yet again benefit those least in need of them.
What kind of nation are we leaving to this boy and his peers?
One that's given up on the democratic process? One that believes that helping others is one step away from "creeping socialism"? One that, instead of giving its citizens easier access to higher education, makes it harder and more expensive?
One that accepts being constantly at war with a declared enemy (or noun) of choice . . . simply because "that's the way it is"?
We can do better than failing this nation's children. We can do better than failing this nation's workers. We can do better than failing this nation's sick.
On behalf of myself and my picture - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. One and all.
End this war.
Give him hope.
Thank you.