from Peace Patriot why were the Niger docs such bad forgeries--wrong dates, wrong names--that real intelligence agents exposed them in what, 24 hours?
I suspect that the Niger docs were intended to be "crude" forgeries (as they are often called)--that is, easily detectable. In the WMD-planting theory of Traitorgate, the Niger forgeries were intended to draw the CIA into a known position of no-nukes in Iraq. And the CIA was then to be discredited, when nukes (procured by infamous Iran-Contra arms dealer Manucher Ghorbanifar, who attended the Rome meeting with the head of SISMI and Ladeen in late 2001), were "found" by the US troops who were hunting for them in Iraq after the invasion. This "find" of WMDs in Iraq was also intended to cement Bush's and Blair's political positions. But something went wrong. Somebody interfered with that nuke movement. And that is what the Plame/Brewster-Jennings outings were all about. That was Plame/B-J's job--WMD counter-proliferation. This theory explains why there was such a panic in the White House in the week of July 7-14--with so many top Bushites involved in potential treason, and calling six reporters in one week to get Plame outed. It smells of panic (--that their plot was about to be disclosed). It also explains why they didn't out just Plame (July 14) but proceeded with the SECOND outing (July 22) of the entire CIA WMD counter-proliferation network, putting all of its covert agents/contacts at risk of getting killed, and disabling all projects. The latter was an excessive measure--far beyond any political motive of punishing Joe Wilson for his dissent--and carried added risk of treason charges. It was the counter-proliferation NETWORK they were after, possibly because they weren't sure who had foiled their nefarious scheme to plant phony WMD evidence in Iraq, so they outed everybody (by Novak publishing the company name, Brewster-Jennings in a followup column). (A possible candidate for discovering their dirty plot was David Kelly, the Brits' WMD expert who was found dead, under highly suspicious circumstances four days after Plame was outed; his computers and office were searched and, four days later, the entire B-J network was ADDITIONALLY outed by Novak.)
Really, I think it needs to be explained WHY the Niger forgeries were so bad. If what many suspect is true, that it was the Rome 2001 meeting, where the forgeries were concocted, they had the head of Italian intelligence involved--and they couldn't create GOOD forgeries? Then there's all that song and dance about people insisting that the Niger/Nuke allegation be put BACK in Bush's speeches, even after several agencies had proved them to be forgeries. Why do that? According to this theory, it had to be done--Bush had to say it--to set the context for discrediting and purging the CIA. when the planted nukes were "found" in Iraq, after the CIA said there weren't any--then the Bush Junta would be justified in purging all the honest professionals in that agency.
It's a quite interesting theory, and has held up well as more details have come out. And it has emotional truth. The evident panic among the Bushites to out Plame (why the rush? why call six reporters?). (This may be connected to something that was told to Tony Blair on July 7--that David Kelly "could say some uncomfortable things"--Hutton Report. Kelly had already been whistleblowing to the BBC about the "sexed up" pre-war WMD intel. What MORE did he know? If it was this--that he knew of the plan to plant the weapons--it would explain the panic and rush to out Plame and Brewster-Jennings, to silence or kill anyone else who knew.) On the emotional front, there is also the likelihood that the Bush Junta, rabid NeoCons like Ladeen, and Ghorbanifar (who hated the CIA), would not just forge documents for the political purpose of convincing the American people, and the world, that the war was justified, but would engage in the further deception of planting the weapons. Does anyone doubt that this is the sort of thing they would do? It seems a "natural" for them--especially with so much riding on a "find" on WMDs in Iraq. And, if they had such a scheme, what happened? Why didn't it go forward? I think it's a good bet that this is what Cheney and Libby are REALLY covering up--not just their participation in outing CIA agents, but the REAL reason why they did it.