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It has to be, just has to be!

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
greiner3 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-27-07 09:40 AM
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It has to be, just has to be!
With Ronald, Bozo and John Wayne Gacy (you pick the matches) vying to be the republic candidate, I got to thinking. If numb nuts and co does not pull off a coup within 390 days, what is their take on the mess we are-and about to be-in? Then I saw a glimmer of an answer! Once they were unable to cheat, lie, steal or suborn national power indefinitely, they set up America to undergo all the crap that they could. I say this because of Iraq, Iran, the scandals within and without our borders, the military stretched so thin we are unable to keep the Turkish military from invading, the budget and national debt crises, the looming possibility of recession, military and political hot spots around the globe, polarization within the country, fundies to the left of us-fundies to the right of us-etc..., global warming and other issues. bush's handlers do not have to worry about who will win the election; as long as they are a Democrat. These handlers will look like 'white' knights in 4-8 years after the country's perception of our leadership has been severely tarnished by the preceding emergencies and they step in with another republican leader. We could even elect bush 43 again; that pesky amendment could be voted down by nearly every state in a special session during the holidays so as to ensure he gets another 8 years. He would have the 'resolve, the experience, the ability' to lead our country out of the terrible mess that the Democrats have gotten us into. I sure hope that this piece is the result of indigestion rather than all those jalapeños that I ate yesterday. I fear that we live in very interesting times!
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Rageneau Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-27-07 11:12 AM
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1. You're right -- the Pukes will blame the Dems... if the Dems let them.
Republicans nearly destroy the country every time they get into power -- which is why they were out of power for 40 years before Gingrich. But regardless of who is in power, Pukes blame Dems for everything that is wrong, Including things the Pukes have made go wrong themselves.

Consequently, we can be sure tey will begin to blame all of Bush's mess on us the day aftr the inauguration-- if we let them. The way NOT to let them is for every Dem who appears in public to begin refering to these messes as belonging to Bush BEFORE the election takes place ... and to continue refering to them that way until the Democrats finally get these things fixed.

At which time, 40 more years will have passsed; the new generation will have forgotten whet the GOP did to the country, and they will be susceptible to tricky GOP tactics such as, "The Democrats have been in power for 40 years. It's only fair to give Repubicans a chance."
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