The Gods of War are smiling on them today. Just when it looked like there was no way out of the hole they had dug, along comes a terrorist assassination of major import. Wake up America! You must have someone leading our nation that realizes we are at war and that these people want to kill us. We cannot afford to put naive people like Obama and Edwards in the Presidency. It is vitally important that we elect someone who will protect us from the Islamo-terrorists.
Never mind that it is this very type of "leadership" that has the world on the brink of a World War already. If they have their way, this will be on the level of the assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand of Austria just before WWI.
They want to continue the Bush "war on terror". They think it has been a success. Even the simplest minds, if they open their eyes, can see that it has been a disaster and a failure. We do not need to pursue it any further. We need a new path.
Guiliani and McCain are all smiles today. They are back in the race. Once more, we get to play the fear game that we loved so much. The sad fact is that Pakistan has been a more dangerous place than Iraq or Iran from the beginning. We wasted our money, our time, and our troops in Iraq when we should have been concentrating on the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11 and most of those came thru Pakistan at one time or another. These Republican warmongers would have us believe these people are our friends. Do not be deceived.