presents himself as unifying, but accountability is what’s needed. Let’s repeat that “reach out” paragraph:
OBAMA: I’ve learned in my life that you can stand firm in your principles while still reaching out to those who might not always agree with you.
... What principles are we talking about, here? Off the top of my head:
1. The principle that everyone is equal before the law.
2. The principle that this nation does not torture.
3. The principle that there are three co-equal branches of government.
4. The principle that high government officials should not break the law with impunity.
5. The principle that elections are not stolen
6. The principle that war is not made on fake evidence wants to "reach out," but that strategy has already been tried. Obama says he wants to "reach out" to Republicans. But Reid and Pelosi “reached out” to Republicans, and that strategy was a miserable failure.
Reid and Pelosi "reached out" to Republicans by taking impeachment off the table.
Reid and Pelosi "reached out" to Republicans by not using the power of the purse either to end the war or to curb executive power.
Read and Pelosi "reached out" to Republicans through FISA “reform” by trying to give Bush more power than even the Republicans tried to give him, when they were in the majority.
In fact, Reid and Pelosi "reached out" to Republicans by caving and capitulating to them on just about any issue you can name.
And what did we get? We got nothing. Obama didn't say "reach out to criminals" - he only said "reach out to them".
Are you trying to claim that "them" (Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Feith, Wolfowitz, Abrahamoff, and all the other neocon repuke criminals in DC) aren't "criminals"?