Category: Computer Software
Ascentive Failure to refund and generally wasting my time Philadelphia Pennsylvania
*REBUTTAL Individual responds ..Yet another fobbing off
Rebuttal Box
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Are you also a victim of the same company or person? Want Justice? File a Ripoff Report and don´t let them get away with it!
101 Spring Garden Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19123
In a weak moment when my computer was running slowly I replied to an Ascentive (which should be re-named Dis incentive) ordering their RAM ROCKET (Speed up your computer by 375%)After filling in my info. I was directed to a form asking me to tick one of a few programs listed. In error and entirely my fault I ticked WIN ROCKET. and sent the order off. I realised immediately what I had done and sent a follow up e-mail explaining that I only wanted RAM ROCKET and not WIN ROCKET which I never downloaded and has never been on my computer.
After a fortnight and finding RAM ROCKET not living up to the promise I sent another e-mail explaining that the computer was now crashing and that I had no reply from my previous e-mail. Needless to say they took money from my credit card for both progtams. IOn the last day of the 30 day period I went on their web site and explained the problem. I have been in touch for months and been led the proverbial wild goose chase and every time I think we are getting somewher we get back to square one. They are completely without honour and should be thrown off the WEB.
Sorry it's longwinded but even if my story prevents one honest person being duped then I will feel better
Thanks for letting me express my views on your web site
United Kingdom