Edited on Mon Dec-31-07 02:50 PM by nadinbrzezinski
First off, let me say that I was not shocked by some of the negativity in the ok folks this is what you need to do thread to improve your personal life in this current economy. After all, some folks don't want to hear the tought medicine and that really you need to save and be thrifty and you can always find some spending that can be cut.
Now here are the policy positions that I KNOW some of our politicos should advocate, but they don't... or the ones that do have little chance of winning a national office.
1.- SIngle payer health care: Yes, otherwise known as taking the profit out of healthcare, my apologies to Dennis for using his phrase. Now, unlike most politicos I can tell you that this will mean taxes and a trust to fund this. It can be done and I, for one, is willing to pay slightly higher taxes in order to cover every American and legal resident in the country. It can be done, it should be done and for god sakes, lets keep the morality out of it, that seldom wins in politics. Reality is having national single payer health care will make the country more competitive, improve health care and increase productivity. We know for a fact that car manufacturers have moved factories north because they don't have to add that cost to a car... and they are just the tip of the iceberg.
2.- Gross privatization of the goverment must end. In other words (for freepers reading this) Socialism for Corporations must end. It is now very clear that some services are more efficiently provided by the Gov'ment, when the Gov'ment works. Also we need to regulate industries again, so we clean water ways and air. this will also increase productivity as sick days will go down.
3.- We must rebuild our highways and other public services. This means slightly higher taxers but also employment, and something like the WPA has to be brought to be, this will help rebuild the networks that we need for commerce to flow.
4.- We need PROGRESSIVE taxes.
5.- Forget minimum wage, I will take the stance of Teddy Roosevelt, what we need is a LIVING WAGE... these days that probably is hovering around thirty dollars... will go down to about twenty four if we enact national health care for all.
6.- Education has to be fully funded and "free" all the way to a four year college degree. Now why did I put the "free" in quotation marks? Yes that takes money, so again taxes, or rather service fees, will have to pay for that. And troops have to get a GI Bill like the WW II generation got.
7.- Affordable housing must be a national priority.
8.- Labor has to have a full right to negotiate, this means right to work has to go. Unions have to expand and make sure they are strengthened.
9.- Our national policy has to turn from "free trade" to making it expensive to export jobs, and companies based abroad cannot get federal contracts, period...
10.- It is to our national security interest to re-industrialize the country.
11.- It is to our national security interest to develop alternatives to Carbon based energy and to follow Kyoto like accords
12.- It is to our NATIONAL INTEREST to follow Geneva and other accords.
Now this plank will improve our collective life, but this does not mean people can continue living a lifestyle where spending comes first, Saving for YOUR future is also part of it. That medicine applies, whether you are living in a progressive country, or under the radicals such as George Bush.
And I know I forgot one... The Sherman Act has to be enforced breaking down monopolies... yes Fox I am talking bout you, as well as GE and Disney.