It's a stupid binary.
Given that most people see in those terms, the gay liberation struggle was quite correct in lining up with the genetics side, which is very obviously ridiculous. It was the smarter political move. It also matched up with most gay experience, which "recalls" the feeling of homosexuality "before" we are able to choose such things (i.e., "I knew when I was five...," etc., and other such rhetorical performances). If we only have genetics (born this way) or choice (chose this way), then "born this way" should win out as an argument, because it is more accurate and more effective.
That said, what the bulk of queer studies have amply demonstrated, the choice between "born this way" and "chose this way" is itself a bad way of speaking, a false problem. It's neither. Or, it's an extremely complex interaction of biology and culture that is pre-conscious but not necessarily genetic. This is just theoretical la-di-da-ing except for one thing: the homophobic forces have recognized the inadequacy of the "born this way" v. "chose this way" binary and have started exploiting it aggressively. Since it is itself WRONG (the binary), their arguments have increasing force with a segment of the population, and the political effectiveness of the "born this way" argument is starting to wane.
So, we need something new. Your way is a good alternative: Even if it is a choice, so what? It's also wrong (much of gay identity is NOT a choice, though much of it tends to be very obviously cultural and controllable, just like heterosexual desire/identity). The problem is that the new thing requires people to understand social complexity and to abandon long cherished, ideologically resonant, and very incorrect ideas about free will in relation to culture. It's a big problem.