Why does Lindsey Graham get so much coverage?
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Wed Jan-24-07 09:32 AM
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Why does Lindsey Graham get so much coverage? |
Or so it seems to me. Seems to me I've seen him often on NBC evening news. He's not a long-timer, so what's the deal?
Jane Austin
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Wed Jan-24-07 09:57 AM
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Some of those Republican Senators are so dumb, it would look like the interviewer was beating up on them.
He also gets the spotlight when the subject is the military or litigation because he was a military lawyer (Jag) in the reserves, I think.
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Wed Jan-24-07 10:00 AM
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3. By George, I think she's got it. The Jag business. nt |
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Wed Jan-24-07 10:00 AM
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2. He's a tough guy with a girl's name? n/t |
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Wed Jan-24-07 10:07 AM
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4. It Sure Ain't From Us "Fifth Columnists" n/t |
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Wed Jan-24-07 10:08 AM
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5. you're right he does get mucho face time, as to the why well i'm going to guess |
that he likes to pretend on some issues he's a "Maverick" which of course we know he isn't but i think he's scene how the press loves McCain so he's trying out that act.
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Wed Jan-24-07 10:26 AM
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6. He's got that same, Dorian Gray, Village of the Damned, |
little kid face with big glassy eyes as Ralph Reed and David Duke.
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Wed Jan-24-07 10:28 AM
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7. because some people miss Mr. Rogers.... |
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Wed Jan-24-07 10:31 AM
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8. Justin, Please close that closet door... |
We're talking about Linsday Graham.
We are the Deciders
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Wed Jan-24-07 12:40 PM
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Wed Jan-24-07 01:59 PM
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11. Strom was a long-timer, though, and older than God. nt |
Bobbie Jo
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Wed Jan-24-07 12:47 PM
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He's one of the thugs that led the charge for Bill Clinton's impeachment. As if being a repuke isn't enough to describe his pathetic character, this particular resume entry seals it for me
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:48 AM
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