most of you are already aware, the lovely and brilliant Jane Hamsher of Firedoglake underwent surgery for breast cancer today and so far, so good. I consider Jane a friend of mine and I'll be the first to admit that I don't cultivate many friends because I'm unnaturally shy and private by nature (no! really!). But Jane is a special case because she's a wonderful person, warm and passionate and funny. I like those qualities in a person.
Several weeks ago we were exchanging emails and she mentioned the recurrence of her cancer, along with a few other details about what was going on in her life. All private matters, not for public discussion. And it was about that time that Gerard Vanderleun ( Editor-in-Chief of Pajamas Media) wrote possibly the only post he will ever be remembered for, an attack on Jane that contained this brilliant quote that I'm sure Vanderleun thought was tres droll:
That's par for the course since Jane's been in a perpetual state of peeve since she caught a dose of BDS and it metastasized into the implants.Of course it was well known at the time that he wrote that that Jane had written about her bouts with breast cancer previously, but that didn't seem to matter to Vanderleun who, through his editing of critical comments on his blog and failure to apologize, seems to think he's a real hoot. What Vanderleun didn't know at the time was that Jane was going through this all over again, and, as much as I would like to be charitable, I can't imagine that he cares to this day.