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Has anyone ever heard Bush licker Mike Barnicle mention that Chimpys suits cost $2,000 to $14,000?

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NNN0LHI Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-24-07 12:12 PM
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Has anyone ever heard Bush licker Mike Barnicle mention that Chimpys suits cost $2,000 to $14,000?
Edited on Wed Jan-24-07 12:14 PM by NNN0LHI

President George W. Bush steps into the spotlight looking like a man fresh off the pages of GQ magazine. His black cashmere overcoat delicately drapes his shoulders, the blue stripe tie radiates against his white shirt and the suit perfectly fits his fit form. What a contrast after seeing Bush's hokey business and Western attire on the campaign trail. The 10-gallon hats and cowboy boots caused many fashion watchers to shake in their boots. But Bush's past style lapses are forgivable because, since his inauguration he's been wearing some of the best tailored garments -- Oxxford suits.

The Chicago-based Oxxford Clothes is the gentlemen's club for the well-dressed. In the summer issue of Forbes' FYI magazine, Oxxford was appointed the best suit to own in the list of "50 of America's Best." The article touted the fact that the suits are still made by hand entirely in Chicago and that pattern pieces are individually cut from one piece of fabric.

The 85-year-old company with 350 employees has had its workrooms in the same location, near the University of Illinois at Chicago, since the late 1930s. It advertises in Town and Country magazine, the Robb Report and other exclusive publications.

The suits are sold in such stores as Bameys New York, Saks Fifth A venue, Louis of Boston and Neiman Marcus. Oxxford does not distribute outside the United States, but is working to establish distribution in Canada and the United Kingdom by 2002.

Oxxford has dressed some of the most powerful and famous men in the world, in addition to the current president, his father and former Presidents Gerald R. Ford and Lyndon B. Johnson, mob boss Al Capone, Cary Grant and Edward, the Duke of Windsor. Hollywood stars Nicolas Cage in "The Family Man" and Jeff Bridges in "The Contender" were costumed in Oxxford suits.

When brothers Louis and Jacob Weinberg founded the company in 1916, they were determined to make the best suit. They used the finest fabrics and designed only simple, timeless shapes. This guiding principle ensures Oxxford continues to create topnotch garments for a price --$2,000 to $14,000 --that loyal customers are willing to pay. Oxxford produced 25,000 handmade garments and had $30 million in sales last year, according to Roger Parfitt, the company's chief operating officer.

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LibDemAlways Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-24-07 12:17 PM
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1. Barnicle's anti-Pelosi comment about the cost
of her clothing was snarky enough - and utterly ridiculous. What was worse was MSRNC's running it repeatedly at the bottom of the screen trying to legitimize it. Whores all.
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