CBS News">The Fantasy of BipartisanshipJan 26, 2008
by Gary Younge. . .
In and of itself, bipartisanship is a goal that is both inarguable and insubstantial. It is treated as a matter of orthodoxy that Americans crave a more bipartisan approach to national politics. But polls show that on issues they care about, just about half want politicians to seek solutions through compromise. Their ambivalence is not surprising. As a means to an end, bipartisanship makes sense. But as an end in itself, it is a hollow notion unless you define who you want to join forces with and why.
. . .Candidates can talk about "transcending" race, gender, region and party all they like. But before we can talk sensibly about transcending difference, we must first transform the conditions that give these differences meaning. . .
The diagnosis Mr. Younge offers hits a truth, but he goes astray with his "treatment."
There can be no "bipartisanship" with fascists. Our nation is in a crisis that has nothing to do with "left" or "right." It's fascists vs. anti-fascists. Insiders vs. Outsiders. The People vs. the "professionals" and "stratergists."
The ONLY rational "way out" is through IMPEACHMENT. Impeaching Bush and Cheney is the most immediate and effective way this nation can confront the truth that the USA has become a war criminal nation that spies on its own citizens. And it is probably the only way to get back on the path to a "more perfect union." It is the probably the only way back to true "bipartisanship" where a majority of the members of our opposing parties are committed in the principles this nation was founded on.
It's time to "divide the nation" -- to "divide" the fascists from the anti-fascists. To force the people on the Hill to declare themselves with the torturers or against them. It is a "divide" that polls tell is somethign like 75%/25% -- and that = UNITY.
Note: While the article takes issue with Obama's message, it's not about Obama. It's about wrong-headed "orthodoxy" that pervades in the beltway -- a topic for General Discussion.__________________________________">Only Impeachment Can Unify Our Once-Great Nation