It's Time to Hold Democratic House Leaders in Contempt
Posted January 25, 2008
Naomi Wolf
So let me get this straight.
The Democrats in Congress cannot even get their own members together to defend the Constitution against a supremely unpopular executive who has essentially spit in their faces, eaten their lunch and the nation's, and publicly called them out as powerless. Not to mention the fact that they are setting a precedent for the future that any executive can emasculate any Congress and defy any subpoena after having committed possibly any crime. Still they are trembling under the barstools -- summoning up, perhaps, the courage to crawl out fully prone and toss their untouched guns humbly at the feet of the posse.
Remember this: each and every member of Congress took an oath -- and the oath was not to some abstract government, it was an oath TO YOU -- to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States." Unlike many good people across the political spectrum who are appalled at this dismantling of the three-part system the founders put in place and the besmirching of the rule of law, Congressional Republicans have clearly decided to place their allegiance to the president and their party over their allegiance to the Constitution. This is bad enough; this is, in fact, treason. But the Democrats do not even have that party allegiance as an excuse for their treachery. They would be standing up for their party, the institution of Congress, and the Constitution by passing the contempt resolutions. What more will it take to get them to act?
Those who think -- as Pelosi apparently does -- that they may rock the boat through a contempt citation in a way that endangers a possible Democratic victory in September are badly misreading the public mood -- as well as severely misreading the historical record.
If you don't punish those who break the law at this stage of a crackdown on liberty -- through contempt citations, through the use of Congress's jail cell for those who are found guilty of contempt, and/or through the investigations of a truly independent prosecutor -- you are not going to have a transparent, accountable election in November. You will have set a benchmark for impunity and you will get greater and greater crimes committed in the certainty of impunity. ........................
Tell your representative to move forward with contempt. And if your representatives fail to act, the punishment should not just be removal from office in the next election; they should also be subject to investigations themselves -- for abetting crimes against the Constitution.Contempt is at issue, indeed.
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