I watched this and it truly is a wonderful, fascinating and inspiring story. The subject line cut off the fact that the film was awarded Winner Best Documentary 2007 American Black Film Festival.
Here is more info about the film that premiered last night (but will be on again this weekend):
http://www.upf.tv/upf06/Films/PrinceAmongSlaves/tabid/77/Default.aspx And here is the interview with Director Bill Duke:
http://www.theyoungturks.com/story/2008/2/4/195157/4573/tytvideoclips/TYT-Interview-Bill-DukePS---There is going to be some truly awesome Super Tuesday Coverage today simulcast at
http://bravenewfilms.org/network/5-super-tuesday and www.theyoungturks.com (BNF.org also has a live chat, live blogging, live polling and regular updates, sometimes faster than the particular network you'd normally watch).
Check out this guest list (all times are EST):
4:00 Liveblog starts
7:00 Video starts
7:10 Anna Burger, SEIU
7:30 Joe Garofoli, San Francisco Chronicle
7:40 Dolores Huerta
7:50 Cecile Richards, Planned Parenthood
8:10 Melody Barnes, CAP Action Fund
8:50 Jane Hamsher, Firedoglake
9:00 Howard Dean, DNC
9:40 Eli Pariser, MoveOn.org
10:00 Alexandra Acker, Young Democrats
10:10 Joe Conason, Salon.com
10:20 Trailer Premiere, This Brave Nation
10:30 Katrina vanden Heuvel, The Nation
11:30 Todd Beeton, MyDD
11:40 Keith Boykin/Malia Lazu, Daily Voice
12:00 Joan McCarter, Daily KOS
Senator Kennedy
Arianna Huffington