Senator John McCain's presidential fundraising apparatus is increasingly beginning to resemble that of George W. Bush. While the spectacular amount of cash that the president raised in 2004 may not be the same with McCain four years later, many of the major donors are.
Through the end of January, McCain had received roughly $200,000 in personal contributions from 2004 Bush Rangers, those major contributors who each helped the president raise more than $200,000 in his reelection bid. About a fifth of that total has come in the last month alone, an analysis of campaign finance reports shows.
In addition, more than 30 of McCain's "bundlers" -- those donors who, as identified by the non-profit group Public Citizen, have pooled money for the senator -- also served as Bush Rangers. In the world of political fundraising, seeing the same big money contributors from election cycle to election cycle is hardly rare.
"If you are really great at shaking the money tree," noted Bill Hogan, director of the Buying of the President project, "history tells us that you are going to get donations from a lot of people in the party. It is a question of migration from one campaign cycle to the next. Some donors might sit it out or support other candidates early on. But as the campaign goes on the donors will increasingly gravitate to the likely nominee."