The people now have an outspoken environmental advocate in Al Gore. He is now a free man. He is one of us. He is now not enslaved to a beltway mentality that only thinks in their own small boxes and speaks only for those who fill their campaign coffers. He is now a representative for our planet that has the means and ability to let our voices be heard on the most crucial crisis mankind has ever faced: Our hand in destroying our planet.
As Mr. Gore rightly states, the climate crisis is not a political issue but a moral issue. However, in order for this country to come into the 21st Century and live up to its moral responsibiity for the damage it has caused and is causing to our environment on a global scale, we need comprehensive legislation now to hold corporations accountable for the fossil fuels they burn that contribute to anthropogenic climate change and the pollution they cause.
We also need sound legislation that strengthens our bond to our only home by aggressively seeking alternate energy goals that will lead to a more peaceful and sustainable world for our children, and a better economy. However, this cannot and will not be done only in the confines of the halls of a beltway bought and sold by special interests who spew nothing but propaganda to keep this issue from becoming the important issue it needs to be as its effects are now harming our planet.
It will be done by a nationwide grassroots movement calling on the Congress and also state legislatures to do their jobs regarding this issue which they have been remiss about for the last three decades.Al Gore tried for thirty years to impart this warning to a political sphere that did not to want to listen and now the world is beginning to reap the whirlwind for our inactions and our ignorance. As one of them, he could not convey the importance and urgency that he can now as a citizen leader of a nationwide grassroots effort to bring about the sea change necessary to work for viable solutions that bring about economic prosperity and sustainability. And that sea change begins with the true deciders of the fate of this nation: The people.
Therefore, not only do we need legislation to seek to change our ways to bring sustainability to our planet for the common good, we also need as part of that legislation a renewed Democratic dialogue in our country that seeks to inform and educate rather than hide the truth in dark shadows. This however, will not be an easy or quick process. It will require a daily and yearly committal to a cause that far surpasses the benign cheerleading of those who do not see this crisis as urgent and real, but only as an excuse to use it as a political wedge.
The people will then need a sincere advocate who can devote all of their time to seeking this renewed dialogue and inspiring and involving people to take action for the good of their country and their world regarding this "planetary emergency." No "politician" in a bought and sold system where corporate money rules and where unelected presidents have veto power and allowed to maintain that power can now achieve this, and time is of the essence for our planet.
That is why I call upon Al Gore to be that citizen advocate and I support all of his endeavors as such in seeking that renewal of Democratic dialogue and efforts to bring about real changes from bottom to top to bring us into a sustainable future. That will require more than cheerleading, polls, and sound bites. It will take looking beyond the man and seeing the reality of what we face if we continue to play games with this crisis and only attach importance to it on a partisan political level.
Those obsessed with thinking only one man or woman in America has any power regarding the solutions do not truly understand the power committed people have in changing history. They are stuck in their ruts of the past and personal motivations and cannot see beyond the rhetoric to new horizons and new ways of thinking and acting. I believe Mr. Gore does see this and has experienced the transcendence necessary to look beyond selfish pandering that is so common in the political world, to the real progress that can be achieved by people truly committed to a cause.
And that is why I also support his effort to bring signatures to Congress to call on them to see that this is indeed a moral issue that requires them as well to look into their souls, and also call on people to contact their state legislatures as well to ask that state by state we begin this process. Mr. Gore in his movie and book, An Inconvenient Truth, also calls on US to do our part in helping to do all we can to now lessen our impact on a world we are stripping bare.
Therefore, I pledge to help in this effort and urge you to sign a message to Congress at his wesbite:
http://www.algore.comSign for your children.
Sign for your loved ones.
Sign for those species that cannot speak for themselves.
Sign for our forests.
Sign for our oceans.
Sign for our rainforests.
Sign for our future as a civilization.
Sign for those yet to be born.
Sign for your planet.
Thank you, Mr. Gore for being a sincere advocate for our planet and bringing the truth of this to the world and not giving in to the hype. This, saving the sustainability of our planet, is the greatest accomplishment you have and will ever achieve and proves that you are the man the world needs to be our citizen advocate who can speak for and with us and devote all of your time to the most crucial yet hopeful crisis we have ever faced unencumbered by the stifled political system you can now face as a free man to truly hold accountable to do their jobs for the people. In my view, there is no higher calling.
Progressives For Gore