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Video find: Douglas Adams on endangered species

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mojogeorgo Donating Member (321 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-24-07 04:30 PM
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Video find: Douglas Adams on endangered species
I found this yesterday. My husband and I have always been big fans of Douglas Adams. In addition to the series of "Hitchhiker's Guide" books Adams is best known for, he wrote a book (which he calls "his favorite, the runt of the litter", Last Chance to See. In an 87 minute streaming video posted by UCTV--University of California Television entitled "Parrots, The Universe and Everything", Adams spoke about the fascinating species he encountered in the process of researching that book. He also talked about how humans had made the world uninhabitable for these animals, he went on to address the wrongheaded notion that somehow this was all "meant to happen." I thought his concluding remarks were pretty insightful, so I've transcribed some of that.

Now imagine, if you will, an early man, and let's see how this mindset comes about. He's standing, surveying his world at the end of the day. And he looks at it and things, "This is a very wonderful world that I find myself in. This is pretty good. I mean, look, here I am, behind me is the mountains, and the mountains are great. Because there are caves in the mountains where I can shelter, either from the weather or from bears that occasionally come and try to attack me. And I can shelter there, so that's great. And in front of me is the forest, and the forest is full of nuts and berries and trees, and they feed me, and they're *delicious* and they sort of keep me going. And here's a stream going through which has got fish in it, and the water's delicious, and everything's *fantastic*.

And there's my cousin Ug. And Ug has caught a mammoth! Yay!! (Clapping). Mammoths are terrific! There's nothing greater than a mammoth, because you can wrap yourself in fur from the mammoth, you can eat the meat of the mammoth, and you can use the bones of the mammoth, to catch other mammoths!

Now this world is a fantastically good world for him. And, part of how we come to take command of our world , to take command of our environment, to make these tools that we need, is that we ask ourselves questions all the time. So this man starts to ask himself questions. "This world" he asks himself, "so, who made it?" Now, of course he thinks that, because *he* makes things himself, so he's looking for someone who will have *made* this world. "So, who would have made this world?" he thinks. "Well, it must be something a little bit like me. Obviously *much much* bigger, and (glancing up) necessarily invisible, but he would have made it. Now, *why* did he make it?"

Now, we always ask ourselves "why" because we look for intention around us, because *we* do things with intention. We boil an egg in order to eat it. So, we look at the rocks and we look at the trees, and we wonder what intention is here, even though it doesn't have intention. So we think, what did this person who made this world intend it for. And this is the point where you think, "Well, it fits *me* very well. You know, the caves and the forests, and the stream, and the mammoths. He must have made it *for me*!"

I mean, there's no other conclusion you can come to. And it's rather like a puddle waking up one morning--I know they don't normally do this, but allow me, I'm a science fiction writer (laughter). A puddle wakes up one morning and thinks "Well, this is a very interesting world I find myself in. It fits me very neatly. In fact, it fits me *so* neatly, I mean, *really* precise, isn't it? (Laughter) It *must* have been made to have me in it!" And the sun rises, and he's continuing to narrate the story about this hole being made to have him in it. The sun rises, and gradually the puddle is shrinking and shrinking and shrinking, and by the time the puddle ceases to exist, it's still thinking, it's still trapped in this idea, that the hole was there *for* it. And if we think that the world is here *for us*, we will continue to destroy it in the way in which we have been destroying it, because we think we can do no harm.
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mojogeorgo Donating Member (321 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-24-07 04:32 PM
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1. More
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donco6 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-24-07 04:33 PM
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2. I love his thinking.
It just makes me laugh and think at the same time.
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mojogeorgo Donating Member (321 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-24-07 04:45 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Yeah
My husaband and I have incorporated "Adams-isms" into our everyday conversations over the years. So much of what he had to say was funny and also true on a deeper level...

"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job"

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never cry wolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-24-07 08:00 PM
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4. READ THIS BOOK!!!! (sorry for the caps)
I have read last chance to see, beg borrow or steal... it is a GREAT read!
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never cry wolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-25-07 12:15 AM
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5. Linky???: you said a video
Love Doug Adams and the book in question. Is there a video?
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OneBlueSky Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-25-07 12:40 AM
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6. humans were given the gift of paradise on earth by Creation/God/The Universe . . .
(whichever you prefer) . . .

in a few short centuries, we humans have succeeded in turning this breathtaking paradise into a literal hell on earth -- through greed, through carelessness, and through outright depravities like war, slavery, and lack of compassion -- not only for our own species, but for all life on the planet . . .

whoever gave us this magnificent gift -- Creation/God/The Universe -- looks at what we've done with it and can only weep . . .
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never cry wolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-25-07 10:36 AM
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7. For anyone interested, I found the video link
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