by Erick:
They All Suck
"They all suck. Let's just admit it. Every one of the thus far announced Republican candidates for President sucks. From the lecherous adulterer to the egomaniacal nut job to the flip-flopping opportunist with the perfect hair to the guy who hates brown people to the guy we've never heard of to the guy who has a better chance of getting hit by a meteor while being consumed by a blue whale being struck by lightening.
They all suck. (Well, okay, Brownback doesn't suck at all, but I perceive no viability for his candidacy.)
But who would be our Ronald Reagan, or in current political vernacular, the Republican Barack Obama? Well, I don't expect him to appear on the Presidential scene by 2008. In fact, all things being equal, I expect no Republican will be elected President in 2008. But by 2010, I expect our Barack Obama -- one who actually has a compelling story *and* qualifications -- to rise onto the national scene from the Governor's Mansion in Louisiana, where Bobby Jindal will be in his second term.
Yes, we just might have to wait that long because right now they all suck."'m from Louisiana, and Jindal looks to be our next governor, due to Blanco being screwed by the bush administration. Lately, there have been signs that Jindal is more of a moderate repuke, not a hard liner, but I'd really rather see a Dem as governor, of course.))