The REAL TRUTH about EFP's, Explosively Formed Projectiles is that EVERY bit of information needed to build these devices is available on a US cable network.
On 'Futureweapons,' a History Channel show hosted by an egomanaical former Navy SEAL, there are several episodes with a British scientist that develops exotic EFP's.
EVERYTHING you need to know about these weapons is described IN DETAIL, complete with video tutorial. They provide detailed descriptions on how to assemble these weapons, using PVC pipe, a blasting cap or other detonator, a pound or two of C-4 and the hardest part, a shaped metal 'projectile'. The weapon works by explosively reshaping a metal 'lens', but it is nothing but a simple concave disk of several metals, copper, brass, magnesium.
Other than the C-4 and a detonator, everything is stock Home Depot!
No matter WHERE the materials come from, the source of the information on HOW to build them is a product of the USA.