Be sure to watch the Video from "YT" and read Taylor Marsh's commentary.
up. in his safe Fox "News" channel seat, snugly tucked in as Hannity's hag, Alan Colmes has spoken. The Fairness Doctrine is just not something we Democrats should support. Must be nice to have all of your bills paid by TV and radio shows all supported by Fox "News." I smell a rat.
So, with the latest "Hannity & Colmes" in the can, the most recent member to the Lieberman wing of political no man's land can return home to know that his mortgage is paid, his heat and electricity secured, while dealing a blow against the competitors, which amount to all those progressives battling for equal time in a world run by conservative corporate conglomerates supporting only the mouth pieces that tow the big money line.
No rebels allowed.
Alan's found his home.
But with corporate security comes the reality that you have to pay The Man his due. Tag teaming with Hannity while pontificating on the silliness of fairness is simply all in a day's work for Mr. Colmes. With a conservative Democrat from Tennessee as guest, not even a gun toting southern Democrat will pass, or get a word in edge-wise. Lord knows the rest of us progressives don't have a chance.
The only type of Democrat appreciated on Fox "News" TV or radio shows are good little progressives that don't talk back too much. Rowdy Rep. Rangel goes on regularly, but he's then mocked and vilified once his back is turned. If you're a Democratic blonde who can suck up to Rush all the better.
But with his motto secured to the inside of his backside, Colmes's knows better than to rock the boat. Everything he owns depends on it. Oh, except his political soul, which he sold a long time ago.
Colmes has been on the job for years. Sitting next to Hannity barely offering a breath of criticism, Mr. Colmes always makes certain to support the star. In case you didn't know, it's an old rule in Hollywood. If you're the sidekick, you better support the man or woman who's responsible for the ratings or you'll be the next one to go. No upstaging or bucking allowed. But Hannity's Colmes didn't get where he is by being uppity. Kissing up is what he does best and since the Fairness Doctrine is the latest wingnut cause, Mr. Colmes is ready for his close.
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