You’d think that being a billionaire would automatically mean your financial life would be fine. In fact, it would rule.But when Berkshire Hathaway gazillionaire Warren Buffet recently pulled his credit score from one of the the credit reporting agencies, his score was 718, Fortune reports (print only).
The Buff’s score is well below the national median of 723 and proves that even if you’re worth is high (even $62 billion dollars), you won’t necessarily have a high credit score. For more information about what actually does impact your credit score, check out this rockin’ pie chart from Fair Isaac.
In Buffet’s case, Fortune reports, the likely culprit is identity theft. Buffet’s report exposed 23 missed payments on a $294 loan at an HSBC branch in Nevada where Buffet says he never has had an account (although the idea of Buffet taking out such a meager loan is kind of cute). Besides, he probably won’t be applying for any auto loans soon, as he recently paid for his Cadillac DTS in cash.
For those of us who don’t mingle with billionaires with trampoline rooms, this serves as a reminder to stay on top of ordering three, free annual credit reports (one from each of the bureaus) and to consider the virtues of a credit report freeze.