Edited on Wed Feb-28-07 08:08 PM by RestoreGore
I have read many articles and opinions written of late (especially since the Oscar win of An Inconvenient Truth) wherein the writers of those articles are intimating that Al Gore wrote his book An Inconvenient Truth and made this most important movie for our times as just a springboard to run for president again. I say, how dare you.
How dare you try to demean the sincere efforts of a man who had the environment in his heart long before he ever entered the political world, especially when his movie is based on facts that have been corroborated by a scientific community which has literally been gagged for all of these years regarding this issue.
Mr. Gore is the missive for a community of good people who have been trying to bring this inconvenient truth to the people while having enormous pressure brought to bear against them by corporate special interests and their political backers. And it needs to be brought forward to the people now because it is real and it is happening now primarily because of us.
I sincerely am beginning to think that those who incessantly talk only about his running for president even though they know this system is toxic as Mr. Gore himself has stated many times are simply doing so either because they cannot face their own complicity in this crisis or simply want to avert attention from this issue to focus on something they can use against Mr. Gore by skewing his intentions.
Anyone who has seen An Inconvenient Truth can tell you that there was no political pretense whatsoever involved in it. It was Al Gore's way of relaying to those of us who were part of a system that let our loved ones down before that we cannot allow that to happen again regarding this crisis because it is for keeps. It is actually because of the treatment this issue and he got in that political world in the past that this message even has to be brought out to the people now. Had those in the political world done their job the last thirty years and put the fate of this planet and best interests of the people of this country first, that inconvenient truth could have been avoided.
So my message to those who have nothing better to do now than speculate, cheerlead only out of a selfish political motive, intimate, and basically attempt to take the focus off this issue and the work we all need to do to mitigate this crisis now is that you are also accomplices to helping that ten year window close.
I am an environmentalist who has been vocal about this for years. I have walked miles to hand out flyers for An Inconvenient Truth and to also tell people how to reduce their carbon footprint and have been talking to people about this issue since I was eleven years old because it matters greatly to me. I live my life according to those ten steps and have passed this on to my child. I have supported Al Gore's endeavors on this without any political motivation because I believe it must be done now. I have written about and promoted this movie incessantly because I sincerely believe in this message and see the urgency and truth in it that we must see in order to now take action ourselves, and I am not the only one.
And I have met the man in person and seen in his eyes a commitment to this issue that prompted me to seek a new position in the UN that would facilitate him being able to continue to devote his time to this issue alone globally because I see his dedication to it and believe he could accomplish great things for the world, and I will continue to advocate for that position this year whether or not he would fill it.
I also cried last Sunday night when I saw him walk up to that stage and was given a chance to hold the Oscar for a movie that is the culmination of his life's true passion because it is also mine and because I am so secure in the knowledge now that we finally have an environmental statesman on our side out here who can really get things done on this issue. To now be made to think that I and millions all over this world are only unwitting pawns in a grand scheme for him to really run for president in a system that is "toxic" by using this issue as a front is totally unfair to the character of the man himself, the issue at hand, and to all of those people like myself who are working with him now on this issue because we care.
I support him and I support working on this because time is running out and I will continue to do so. However, I don't support having the trust of people betrayed by political operatives with selfish motives who think the ends justify the means. And in closing I say if you claim to support this man and can't see that conviction in his eyes and his words and haven't been moved to actions beyond just the usual political cheerleading yet, you don't really support him, you support a Party agenda over all else and that doesn't help this cause in the end because this is not a partisan political issue.
The fate of our planet and our continued sustainability is the most important issue we have to face now, and it is going to take a greater presence than any president of any one nation to take it on and we have that in Al Gore. So sad that instead of embracing that so many wish to waste time on petty political speculation and playing into the hands of a corporate media that continues to keep people in the dark about this, when the science proves daily that we are responsible for altering the relationship we have with this planet. The message is clear: If we don't take evasive action in business and in our own lives now we will forever alter the ecosystems that sustain us. That is not a political soundbite just to be used for a political campaign, that is a moral reality and I sincerely think some need a big dose of that right about now.
And yes, I know this opinion is in the minority here, but as Mr. Gore stated at Stamford last year: "Right is right even when no one else is doing it, and wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it." And I thank him for doing this the right way.