Associated Press Writers
February 27, 2007
GUANTANAMO BAY NAVAL BASE, Cuba - A TV cameraman is getting an inside view of life at Guantanamo Bay prison - only he is unable to get out and tell the story.
Sami al-Hajj, of the Al-Jazeera TV network, was stopped at the Afghanistan border by Pakistani authorities in December 2001, turned over to U.S. forces and hauled in chains six months later to Guantanamo, where about 390 men are held on suspicion of links to al-Qaida or the Taliban ...
He is believed to be the only journalist from a major international news organization held at Guantanamo.
Colleagues from Al-Hajj's Qatar-based network and the Sudanese government want to know why he is being held, but the U.S. government is saying little. The military did not even publicly acknowledge holding al-Hajj until last April, when it released a list of Guantanamo detainees in response to a Freedom of Information Act request filed by The Associated Press ...