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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
King_Crimson Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-28-07 11:02 PM
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Here's a little something worth reading...
Edited on Wed Feb-28-07 11:34 PM by King_Crimson
The Bush administration’s new strategy of setting the Middle East aflame
By Peter Symonds
28 February 2007
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A lengthy article in this week’s New Yorker magazine by veteran investigative journalist Seymour Hersh provides further evidence that the Bush administration has not only set course for war against Iran, but has over the past few months embarked on a reckless and incendiary strategy that has the potential to unleash sectarian Sunni-Shia conflicts throughout the Middle East.

The broad outlines of what Hersh writes in his article “The Redirection” (as the plan is termed in the White House) have been out in the open for some time. In the wake of the US Congressional elections last November, the Bush administration ignored the sentiments of the overwhelming majority of the American people and the recommendations of the top-level Iraq Study Group (IRG). The White House has increased troop numbers in Iraq, bolstered its naval presence in the Persian Gulf and markedly turned up the volume of the threats against Iran.

In outlining his plans for Iraq on January 10, President Bush denounced Syria and Iran for assisting anti-US insurgents in Iraq and warned that the US military would destroy their networks of agents. According to Hersh’s sources, since last August as many as 500 Iranians have been arbitrarily detained and interrogated at any one time, including many Iranian humanitarian and aid workers. As a former senior US intelligence official explained: “The White House goal is to build a case that the Iranians have been fomenting the insurgency... and supporting the killing of Americans.”

These unsubstantiated allegations, along with Iran’s alleged nuclear weapons program and its support for “terrorist” groups in the Middle East, are being drummed up as potential pretexts for a confrontation with Tehran. In articles over the past year, Hersh has pointed to high-level preparations for an intensive bombing attack on Iran. In his latest article, he notes that these processes have accelerated with the establishment of a special planning group in the Pentagon offices of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, with a brief to prepare a contingency plan that could be implemented on Bush’s orders within 24 hours. Two replacement aircraft carrier groups are due to arrive in the Gulf, but the entire naval force could be ordered to stay in place, “to allow for an attack order this spring”.

finish the story at

I don't think any of us question Seymour Hersh! :headbang:
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WiseButAngrySara Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-28-07 11:19 PM
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1. KNR! Good synopsis, and thanks for posting. Question: Where
have these 500 Iranians been detained and interrogated? In Iraq, here, both places?
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GeorgeGist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-01-07 08:03 AM
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2. The 9/11 Mission Accomplished.
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