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Seymour Hersh radio interview

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slipslidingaway Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-01-07 12:31 AM
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Seymour Hersh radio interview
Edited on Thu Mar-01-07 12:37 AM by slipslidingaway

"Pulitzer Prize winning investigative reporter Seymour Hersh discusses his new article, “The Redirection,” about how America is now backing Salafist Sunni radicals against Hezbollah in Lebanon, Shi’ite radicals in Iraq, every kind of radical but the Shi’ites in Iran, the manner in which American black ops are financed, why this is all worse than Iran-Contra, John Negroponte’s conflict with Dick Cheney and his move from Director of National Intelligence to number 2 at State."

MP3 here.

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Gryphons Eyre Donating Member (43 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-02-07 12:12 PM
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I was going to post a thread concerning the NPR "Fresh Air" interview.It contains pretty much the same information as in the interview above.

Why Democrats are not howling about this I can only wonder.

This is Iran/Contra all over again including Elliot Abrams and funding by Saudis and covert redirected American funds without over site of congress just like before. It is imperative for congress to act and act quickly. Congressional hearings into these illegal activities by the Bush administration is key to unraveling the twisted maze of covert activities now engaged in by the neocon led Bush administration.

We are now in bed with the very same people that drove planes into the WTC. If someone in the Democrat opposition cannot find political traction in that then our democracy is doomed.

In addition the broad language in the authorization for war in Iraq has to be replaced by new legislation restricting the use of our military. This has to happen now; later is to late!

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