Clinton and Obama are awful candidates
During the Vietnam War, our brave soldiers came back
and were called baby killers and were spat upon. No big deal was made by liberal Democrats that Bill Clinton was a draft dodger, but now the liberals are saying that you must have military service. That is, until their top candidates became Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.
The liberal Democrats falsely accuse President Bush of lying, but stay mum about liar and adulterer Bill Clinton.
Sen. Clinton has done nothing for New York State, but liberals want her to run our country. She sways in the wind when it comes to issues, stating her position only when the Zogby polls on the issue are out. Obama has no experience or good ideas to lead this country. Do liberals even know his position, or are they just willing to vote for him because he is good looking and a minority?
Just look at the Democrats fight, attack and feed off each other's weaknesses. It isn't pretty. If the enemies of our great country were given absentee ballots, I sure as heck know who they would be voting for.