Has anyone noticed the sudden upsurge in anti-global warming rhetoric? That's no coincidence. As talk of Gore running for the '08 Presidency grows louder and louder, the Repubs are starting to quake in their boots. They KNOW if Gore runs, he will win. Why?
First, I personally believe he can beat Hillary and Obama hands-down. Second, and this is important - the Right cannot find a decent candidate to rally around. There ARE no suitable Republican candidates this time around - NONE! Guliani is unlikely due to his more "liberal" views, and McCain isn't a likely candidate either.
So what to do? That's easy. Attack the very thing Al Gore stands for - global warming. Deny it; obfuscate the scientific findings; attack those who promote it. If global warming isn't real, then Al Gore standing on a stage showing his alarmist slide shows showing a sinking Florida is a baffoon and therefore should never even be considered as a Presidential candidate. And if Gore is the best the Democrats have, the Repubs think they can pull this off. At the same time, they're scared out of their wits that he will run, and win.
So the best thing they can do is start fast, strong, and early. Get it in people's minds that global warming is a myth, and therefore Al Gore is a fool for promoting it. It is clearly a Republican-led effort to deceive people into thinking Al Gore is not fit for the Presidency.
But they are wrong. And Al Gore, IF he runs, watch out - he WILL be our next President. And thank GOD!!