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http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2007-02-28-katrina-lawsuit_x.htmNew Orleans residents rush to join lawsuit
By Alan Gomez, USA TODAY
New Orleans residents who were hurt or whose homes were damaged by Hurricane Katrina are scrambling to beat a deadline Thursday to file claims against the Army Corps of Engineers.
Thousands of people descended on the corps' office Wednesday in New Orleans to file claims that accuse the corps of being responsible for levee failures that flooded New Orleans.
If the claims are denied, the victims then can take part in a lawsuit demanding compensation for losses. Joseph Bruno, one of several attorneys representing victims, says he expects more than 100,000 to file claims.
Debbie Simon, a corps spokeswoman, said it expects the total to be around 60,000 claims.
Bruno said the sudden rush to file is due to several factors. It's been difficult to inform people of the deadline because so many New Orleans residents are displaced around the country. Many still in New Orleans are living in trailers or new locations. And many others held off until they realized their insurance companies and government agencies were not paying them what they felt they were entitled to.
"It's been sheer, unmitigated hell," Bruno said.