fortunately. look at the world and the knowledge required by schooling, jobs and simple living today. The world has become too hard for the common intelligence much less the idiots. The concurrent shove back by people represented by moronic elites trying to harness the world created by and for a far more intelligent human species can only fail.
The crisis is that the world is changing beyond the capacities of homo sapiens IN GENERAL. The smart and the dumb can wrangle about this until they make some solution to survive. Then the final solution is in engineering DNA improved race with better moral and cognitive intelligence. the alternative is Road Warrior, castle pyramid world in climate and social chaos until the same point is arrived at after much longer periods of drama and pain. Or extinction. There is no indefinite future for homo sapiens and it isn't the handwriting on the wall one cannot read, it is the wall itself bodyslamming us. Idiocracy means the fast path to extinction. When dealing with idiots in a lifeboat, you do or die.
Education alone is not a guarantee of progress, but progress without education is almost impossible. There is no ideal solution yet, just a moving toward or away from one.