I just saw it in a Paul Craig Roberts rant. I've seen it other places, too. So forgive me, those of you who are not blind to the patently obvious, this message isn't directed to you. For those of you who need a little beating with the clue-stick, here's my six-by-six of love:
AMERICANS, Not Congress, Have ALREADY Averted a War in Iran.
Look back to November, 2006. One carrier strike group had been sent to the Arabian Sea a month early; another was held over late. No fewer than four Marine Expeditionary Units (just about 20,000 Marines, or the exact number Our Fearless Leader wants for his "surge") and possibly a fifth were waiting to deploy in the area. The propaganda machine was thumping at full-tilt. Everything was in place for the new moon on November 20; there would be no better time, politically, militarily, weather-wise, for the United States to seize the Iranian oil fields and naval bases along the Persian Gulf. And they were ready to do it.
Except something unexpected happened. Despite an obvious five-percent disparity between exit polls and final results in districts with electronic vote counting, the Democratic Party won a majority in the House and the Senate. The massive firepower assembled by the Bush Administration in the Arabian Sea instead practiced shooting up cars in Somalia. Iran was not invaded. The invasion fleet dispersed.
At this point, the Bush Administration is effectively contained. The robbery of our treasury will not stop; the rape of our natural resources will not end; favoritism toward the wealthy elite will continue. But the tarp has been pulled away from the mephitic shell heap and soon the smell of what has happened over the past six years will become obvious to everyone. There will be no more wars of aggression (though I expect these criminals to lash about violently in the next two years) because if they cross us this time, we have the power once again to remove, try, and convict them. And considering what they've done, it will be easy.
It will take decades, not months, for a Democratic Congress to repair the damage already done. And whatever its stripe, Congress will always be Congress.
But there will be no war in Iran, because WE THE PEOPLE have intervened.