A Clear Case for Impeachment
by Mayor Rocky Anderson
Thu Mar 01, 2007 at 04:33:54 PM PST
Dear Kossacks,
This afternoon, I testified before a Washington State Senate committee supporting Sen. Eric Oemig's resolution that calls for Congress to consider impeaching President Bush and Vice President Cheney. I also spoke twice at a rally supporting the impeachment of President Bush. My extended remarks are given below, while my other remarks at the rally and my testimony at the hearing can be read here.
I also submitted to the Washington State Senate a detailed written statement that enumerates a clear and compelling case for the impeachment of President Bush. I appreciate any comments or feedback you may have about this statement.
To restore some modicum of decency and accountability for our nation, and to protect our nation against those who would rule without regard to established law, we must commit ourselves to the rule of law and call for the impeachment and removal from office of President Bush.
http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2007/3/1/19949/44077A Compelling Case for Impeachment of
President George W. Bush
For Severe Human Rights Violations, Breaches of
Trust, Abuses of Power Injurious to the Nation, War
Crimes, Misleading Congress and the American People
About Nuclear Threats and the Case for War, and Grave
Violations of Treaties, the United States Constitution, and
Domestic Statutory Law
Ross C. “Rocky” Anderson
Mayor, Salt Lake City, Utah
Presented to the Washington State