Everyone knows that we can't get enough votes in the Senate to convict BushCo at this time and we sure don't want to take the chance that we might look stupid or worse -- vindictive. It's obvious that abuse of power, embezzlement, murder, torture and treason are not enough to get the votes needed for impeachment. Even a lie about a blow job wasn't enough to get Clinton convicted, what makes anyone think the lies from BushCo have any more weight? Surely, we learned our lesson with THAT one.
So, we all need to just sit back and chill. There is really nothing more we can do. Remember, we got a chance to speak out in November, isn't that enough?
Actually, I think it's a good thing that the government, with the help of the MSM, manages and contains the truth about all the bad stuff.....like about the absence of any real support for our troops, i.e. equipment, food, rest and training, as they are being fed into the Iraq meat grinder, or about the scandalous lack of care and treatment for our maimed and injured troops here at home. I mean, who really wants to hear about the three large permanent American bases Haliburton has completed in Iraq? Or about the concentration camps that are open for business here at home? It's so hard to stomach the stories about Katrina victims... even 18 months -after- the hurricane; and I really don't want to think about BushCo spying on us, or about the Martial Law issue or losing Habeas Corpus or the truth about 9/11.. it is way too creepy and kinda tin-foil-y.
I mean, everyone is getting way too serious lately and besides, no one really wants to hear about this stuff. It's not that we don''t care, it's just that we all have our own problems to deal with and, well, Brittany and Anna Nicole are so much more INTERESTING. And I don't know about you, but I am on pins and needles waiting to see who might actually DESERVE the Democratic nomination this time or more importantly, who gets axed next week from American Idol.
So, yeah, let's just wait and see what happens. Who knows? Maybe we won't even have to worry about elections in 2008. It will be a lot smarter to hold off on impeachment until AFTER we see the mushroom cloud....er.. um.. I mean the smoking gun.
:sarcasm: :sarcasm:
(I posted this earlier in the wrong forum so I am reposting it here.)