It's a really convoluted web they wove!!
What a bunch of
Mr. Guttenberg provided hundreds of tips to Mr. Franklin about rating changes so
that he could make quick trades in his hedge fund at Bear Stearns, Lyford Cay Capital.
The two agreed to share the after-tax profits after the debt between them was settled.
They exchanged cash at arranged meeting places — echoes of the Boesky case — and bought
disposable cellphones and created codes to communicate with one another.Mr. Guttenberg pleaded not guilty yesterday. His lawyer declined to comment.
Mr. Franklin has pleaded guilty. His lawyer declined to comment.
Over five years, according to the S.E.C., Mr. Franklin made $5 million in illicit profits
for his various hedge funds, his own personal accounts and an account in the name of his
father-in-law, said the S.E.C.
But the ties went further than the two friends: each had his own network of tippees.
The case was so complex that the United States attorney in Manhattan, Michael J. Garcia,
yesterday used a large poster board to explain the inner workings.
“Clearly greed is at work,” he said. Ya think???
Mr. Babcock has pleaded guilty. His lawyer declined to comment.Mr. Tavdy pleaded not guilty. His lawyer did not return calls.Mr. Risoli pleaded not guilty. His lawyer could not be reached yesterday.ALL their lawyers declined to comment!! Gheesh! I wonder why??
For two counts of conspiracy to commit fraud and four counts of securities fraud,
Mr. Franklin would face a maximum of 90 years in prison, but sentencing guidelines
suggest he would more likely face about five years.Five years?? Five fucking years as opposed to NINETY????
:banghead: :argh: