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Wesley Clark being interviewed on Democracy Now! today

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magellan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-02-07 08:30 AM
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Wesley Clark being interviewed on Democracy Now! today
Amy Goodman's got him the whole hour. Catch it if you can on TV, radio or later at the Democracy Now! website where the live stream and transcript will be available.
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CarolNYC Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-02-07 09:16 AM
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1. Hey thanks for this....
Is this the interveiw from the 92nd St Y the other night?

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CarolNYC Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-02-07 09:51 AM
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2. It is Tuesday's interview...
or at least a part of it.

From DN's website:
Friday, March 2nd, 2007
Gen. Wesley Clark Weighs Presidential Bid: "I Think About It Everyday"

We spend the hour with General Wesley Clark, the retired four-star general. He was the Supreme Allied Commander of NATO during the Kosovo War. In 2004 he unsuccessfully ran for the Democratic presidential nomination. Clark talks about his opposition to a U.S. attack on Iran; the impeachment of President Bush; the use of cluster bombs; the bombing of Radio Television Serbia during the Kosovo War; US service members refusing deployments to Iraq; his own presidential ambitions and much more.
Today we spend the hour with General Wesley Clark, the retired four-star general. He was the Supreme Allied Commander of NATO during the Kosovo War. In 2004 he unsuccessfully ran for the Democratic presidential nomination. He recently edited a series of books about famous U.S. generals including Dwight Eisenhower and Ulysses Grant – both of whom became president after their military careers ended.
Well for the rest of the hour we are going to hear General Wesley Clark on the possibility of a U.S. attack on Iran, the impeachment of President Bush, the use of cluster bombs, the bombing of Radio Television Serbia during the Kosovo War and much more. I interviewed Wesley Clark on Tuesday at the 92nd Street Y in New York.

Gen. Wesley Clark. Retired 4-star US Army general. Supreme Allied Commander of NATO during the Kosovo War.

To purchase an audio or video copy of this entire program, click here for our new online ordering or call 1 (888) 999-3877.
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magellan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-02-07 01:56 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Sorry, yes, it's portions from Amy's interview with him earlier in the week
Apologies, sometimes I'm in such a rush important details get lost.
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