Statement of Ross C. “Rocky” Anderson, Mayor of Salt Lake City
Before the Washington State Senate
Governmental Operations Committee
March 1, 2007
I am honored to address you today and am pleased that you, unlike so
many members of Congress and most state legislatures, have recognized
your solemn responsibility to examine whether proceedings should be
commenced for the impeachment of the President of the United States.
Never before has there been such a compelling case for impeachment
and removal from office of the president of the United States for heinous
human rights violations, breaches of trust, abuses of power injurious to the
nation, war crimes, misleading Congress and the American people about
threats to our nation’s security and the supposed case for war, and grave
violations of treaties, the Constitution, and domestic statutory law.
Our nation’s moral standing in the world, our nation’s principled
commitment to basic freedoms and individual rights, our nation’s essential
democracy – all now depend upon a conscientious, non-partisan
determination that our representatives in Congress will, with integrity and
without partisan bias, make it clear, for our nation’s sake now and in the
future, that a president will not be permitted any longer to hold the office he
has abused by egregiously violating the trust, the laws, and the essential
principles of the United States – a nation that has, since its founding, prided
itself in fighting against, and distinguishing itself from, the sort of tyranny,
cruel immorality, and disdain for the rule of law exemplified by George W.
Bush and several members of his administration.
The invasion and occupation of Iraq has been tragic at every level.
Our nation was led into this tragedy through the dishonesty of President
Bush. No clearer case for impeachment can be found than misleading our
nation so it will engage in a tragic, illegal war.
The United States and the President are bound to obey treaties to
which our nation has committed itself. By pursuing war against a country
that had not attacked the US, and which was not threatening an imminent
attack, President Bush blatantly violated the most fundamental treaty
The violation of personal liberties and rights guaranteed by the
Constitution, which limits governmental intrusions in our lives, is an offense
so grave as to merit impeachment. President Bush’s secret authorization of
warrantless wiretapping of American citizens, in clear violation of the
protections explicitly assured by the Fourth Amendment, and in direct
violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, is a high crime.
Finally, in violation of numerous treaty obligations and domestic
statutory law, President Bush has authorized and condoned the kidnapping,
incarceration without charges or trial, and torture of hundreds of human
beings. Those are not only offenses against every fundamental principle of
justice and decency, they are offenses in violation of numerous treaties to
which the U.S. has committed itself, as well as federal statutory law.
To restore some modicum of decency and accountability for our
nation, and to protect our nation against those who would rule without
regard to established law, we must commit ourselves to the rule of law and
call for the impeachment and removal from office of President Bush.