Abortion Issues
Date Bill Title Vote 03/17/2005 Unintended Pregnancy Amendment Y 10/21/2003 Prohibit Partial-Birth Abortion bill N 10/21/2003 Prohibit Partial-Birth Abortion bill N 06/21/2002 Military Abortion Amendment Y
Agriculture Issues
Date Bill Title Vote 05/08/2002 Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 Y 02/13/2002 Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 Y
Date Bill Title Vote 07/12/2006 Transit Security Amendment Y 06/22/2006 Defense Department FY 2007 Authorization bill Y 06/15/2006 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2006 Y 05/04/2006 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2006 Y 05/03/2006 Influenza Vaccine Injury Compensation Amendment Y 05/02/2006 Sugarcane Growers Funding Amendment N 12/21/2005 Defense Department FY2006 Appropriations bill Y 12/21/2005 Defense Department FY2006 Appropriations bill N 11/16/2005 Commerce, Justice, Science, Appropriations Bill FY 2006 Y 11/15/2005 Defense Department FY2006 Authorization bill Y 11/10/2005 Foreign Operations FY2006 Appropriations Bill Y 11/03/2005 Agriculture, Rural Development, FDA Appropriations Act Y 10/27/2005 After School Funding Amendment Y 10/27/2005 Labor, HHS, Education, FY 2006 Appropriations bill Y 10/26/2005 Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Funding Amendment N 10/20/2005 Transportation, Treasury, HUD, Judiciary, Appropriation Y 10/07/2005 Defense Department FY2006 Appropriations bill Y 10/05/2005 Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program Amendment Y 09/22/2005 Agriculture, Rural Development, FDA Appropriations Act Y 07/29/2005 Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 2006 Y 07/29/2005 Interior Department FY 2006 Appropriations Bill Y 07/20/2005 Foreign Operations FY2006 Appropriations Bill Y 07/19/2005 US Agency for International Development Amendment N 07/14/2005 Homeland Security Department FY 2006 Appropriations Act Y 07/14/2005 Increase the Number of Detention Beds Amendment N 07/11/2005 Air Cargo Security Programs Implementation Amendment Y 07/01/2005 Energy and Water Appropriations bill FY 2006 Y 06/29/2005 Interior Department FY 2006 Appropriations Bill Y 05/10/2005 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2005 Y 04/21/2005 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2005 Y 04/20/2005 Future Military Funding for Iraq Amendment Y 09/21/2004 Legislative Branch FY2005 Appropriations Bill Y 07/22/2004 Defense Department FY2005 Appropriations bill Y 06/24/2004 Defense Department FY2005 Appropriations bill Y 03/12/2004 Budget Appropriations, FY2005 resolution N 01/22/2004 Omnibus FY2004 Appropriations Bill N 11/12/2003 Fiscal 04 Military Construction Appropriation-Adoption Y 11/06/2003 Department of Labor, HHS, and Education Appropriations, Y 11/06/2003 Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2004 Y 09/25/2003 Terrorism Information Awareness bill Y 09/16/2003 Energy and Water Appropriations, FY 2004 bill Y 07/24/2003 Homeland Security Appropriations, FY 2004 bill Y 07/17/2003 Terrorism Information Awareness bill Y 07/11/2003 Emergency Supplemental Appropriation, FY 2003 bill Y 04/03/2003 Appropriations for Operations in Iraq Y 02/13/2003 Fiscal 03 Omnibus Appropriations-Adoption Y 01/23/2003 Consolidated Appropriations Resolution, 2003 N 10/16/2002 Department of Defense Appropriations, FY2003 bill Y 08/01/2002 Department of Defense Appropriations, FY2003 bill Y 07/25/2002 Legislative Branch Appropriation, FY2003 bill Y 07/24/2002 Supplemental Appropriations, FY2002 bill Y 07/18/2002 Military Construction Appropriations Act FY2003 Y 06/07/2002 Supplemental Appropriations, FY2002 bill Y 12/07/2001 District of Columbia FY2002 Appropriations bill Y 12/04/2001 Department of Transportation Appropriations Act FY 2002 Y 11/15/2001 Appropriations bill FY2002, Commerce, Justice, State Y 11/15/2001 Agriculture FY2002 Appropriations bill Y 11/08/2001 Veterans Affairs and HUD Appropriations Act of 2002 Y 11/06/2001 Labor, HHS and Education Appropriations Act, 2002 Y 11/01/2001 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, 2002 Y 11/01/2001 Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act 2002 Y 10/18/2001 Military Construction FY2002 Appropriations bill Y 10/17/2001 Interior Department Appropriations for FY 2002 Y 09/26/2001 Military Construction FY2002 Appropriations bill Y
Budget, Spending and Taxes
Date Bill Title Vote 08/03/2006 Death/EstateTax and Minimum Wage Bill of 2006 N 05/11/2006 Tax Reconciliation bill N 03/16/2006 Natural Resources and Environment Funding Amendment Y 03/16/2006 Debt Limit Increase Resolution N 03/16/2006 2007 Budget Resolution N 03/16/2006 Education Funding Amendment Y 03/14/2006 Reinstate Pay-As-You-Go through 2011 Amendment Y 02/02/2006 Tax Reconciliation bill Y 12/21/2005 Budget Reconciliation bill N 11/18/2005 Tax Reconciliation Bill Y 11/17/2005 Pay As You Go Amendment Y 11/17/2005 Hurricane Victims Tax Benefit Amendment Y 11/17/2005 Temporary Tax on Crude Oil Amendment Y 11/17/2005 Earned Income Tax Credit Amendment Y 11/17/2005 Tax Rate Amendment Y 11/03/2005 Pay As You Go Amendment Y 11/03/2005 Budget Reconciliation bill N 11/03/2005 Medicare Prescription Drug Amendment Y 04/28/2005 Budget FY2006 Appropriations Resolution N 03/17/2005 Homeland Security Grant Program Amendment Y 03/17/2005 Budget FY2006 Appropriations Resolution N 03/17/2005 Native American Funding Amendment Y 03/17/2005 Tax Subsidy for Domestic Companies Amendment Y 03/17/2005 Perkins Vocational Education Program Amendment Y 03/17/2005 Education Amendment Y 10/11/2004 JOBS (Jumpstart Our Business Strength) Y 09/23/2004 Increased Child Tax Credit bill Y 05/11/2004 Jumpstart Our Business Strength (JOBS) Act Y 04/29/2004 Internet Access Tax bill Y 05/23/2003 Jobs and Economic Growth bill N 05/15/2003 Jobs and Economic Growth bill N 04/11/2003 Congressional Budget for fiscal year 2004 N 03/26/2003 Budget Resolution FY2004 N 03/19/2003 ANWR Oil Drilling Amendment Y 05/26/2001 Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act, 2001 N 05/23/2001 Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act, 2001 N 05/10/2001 Fiscal Year 2002 Budget Resolution N
Business and Consumers
Date Bill Title Vote 11/17/2005 Price-Gouging During Emergencies Amendment Y 11/03/2005 Targeted Case Management Amendment Y 07/26/2005 Corporate Financing of Terrorism Amendment Y 03/10/2005 Bankruptcy Reform Bill NV 03/08/2005 Violent Protestor Amendment Y 03/07/2005 Minimum Wage Amendment N 03/07/2005 Minimum Wage Amendment Y 04/08/2004 Pension Funding Equity Act of 2004 Y 07/15/2002 Accounting Industry Reform bill Y 06/18/2002 Terrorism Insurance Bill Y
Campaign Finance and Election Issues
Date Bill Title Vote 10/16/2002 Help America Vote Act of 2002 N 04/11/2002 Equal Protection of Voting Rights Act of 2001 Y 03/20/2002 Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2001 Y 02/27/2002 Equal Protection of Voting Rights Act of 2001 N 04/02/2001 Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2001 Y 03/26/2001 Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2001 Y 03/21/2001 Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act - Union Amendment Y 03/20/2001 Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2001 Y
Civil Liberties
Date Bill Title Vote 06/27/2006 Flag Desecration Constitutional Amendment N
Congressional Affairs
Date Bill Title Vote 11/10/2005 Investigating Contracts in Iraq Amendment Y 10/18/2005 Congressional Pay Raise Amendment Y 09/15/2005 Financial Relief For Hurricane Katrina Victims Amend Y 09/14/2005 Congressional Commission on Hurricane Katrina Y 09/14/2005 Special Committee on Contracts in Afghanistan and Iraq Y 10/23/2003 Congressional Pay Raise Amendment N
Defense (Back to top)
Date Bill Title Vote 11/15/2005 Judicial Review of Detainees Amendment Y 11/15/2005 Status of Detainees Substitute Amendment Y 11/10/2005 Detainees at Guantanamo Bay Amendment N 11/08/2005 National Commission on Detainees Amendment Y 07/26/2005 National Defense Authorization Act - Cloture N 06/23/2004 Military Construction FY2005 Authorization bill Y 11/12/2003 Fiscal 2004 Defense Authorization - Conference Report Y 10/17/2003 Emergency Appropriations for Iraq and Afghanistan Y 05/22/2003 Fiscal 2004 Defense Authorization-Passage Y 12/13/2001 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2002 Y 10/02/2001 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2002 Y
Date Bill Title Vote 10/26/2005 Individuals with Disabilities Education Amendment Y 10/26/2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Act Amendment Y 10/25/2005 To Increase The Maximum Federal Pell Grant Amendment Y 05/13/2004 Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act Y 05/13/2004 Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act Y 12/18/2001 No Child Left Behind Act Y
Employment and Affirmative Action
Date Bill Title Vote 05/11/2004 Unemployment Benefits Amendment Y
Energy Issues
Date Bill Title Vote 08/01/2006 Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act of 2006 Y 03/16/2006 LIHEAP Funding Amendment Y 03/16/2006 ANWR Revenues Amendment N 11/03/2005 Alaska Judicial Review Amendment Y 10/26/2005 Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program Amendment Y 07/29/2005 Energy Policy Act of 2005 N 06/28/2005 Energy Policy Act of 2005 Y 06/16/2005 Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) Amendment Y 06/16/2005 Reduction in Dependence on Foreign Oil Y 06/14/2005 Environmental Effects Caused by Ethanol Amendment N 03/16/2005 Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Drilling Amendment Y 07/31/2003 Energy Omnibus bill N 06/10/2003 Reduction of Foreign Oil Dependence Amendment Y 06/10/2003 Hydrogen Fuel Cell Amendment Y 04/25/2002 Securing America's Future Energy (SAFE) Act of 2001 N
Environmental Issues
Date Bill Title Vote 12/21/2005 Removal of ANWR Provision from HR 2863 Y 11/03/2005 ANWR Amendment Y 09/13/2005 EPA's Clean Air Mercury Rule Y 10/30/2003 Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003 N
Executive Branch (Back to top)
Date Bill Title Vote 12/07/2006 Andrew von Eschenbach, Commissioner of Food and Drugs Y 12/06/2006 Robert Gates, Secretary of Defense Y 05/26/2006 Michael Hayden Confirmation N 01/31/2006 Samuel Alito, Associate Justice N 09/27/2005 John Roberts, Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court N 06/20/2005 Second cloture motion on John Bolton, Ambassador to UN N 06/14/2005 Thomas B. Griffith, US Circuit Judge N 06/09/2005 Richard A Griffin, US Circuit Judge Y 06/09/2005 Janice R Brown, US Circuit Court N 06/09/2005 David W. McKeague, US Circuit Judge Y 06/09/2005 William H. Pryor, Jr., US Circuit Judge N 05/26/2005 First cloture motion on John Bolton, Ambassador to UN N 05/25/2005 Priscilla R. Owen, US Circuit Judge N 05/24/2005 Motion to invoke cloture on Priscilla R. Owen Y 04/21/2005 John Negroponte, Director of National Intelligence Y 02/15/2005 Michael Chertoff, Secretary of Homeland Security Y 02/03/2005 Alberto R. Gonzales, for Attorney General N 01/26/2005 Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State Y 01/06/2005 Objection to Presidential Electoral Vote Certificate N 10/28/2003 Michael Leavitt, Adiminstrator of the EPA Y 01/22/2003 Thomas Ridge, Secretary of Homeland Security Y 02/01/2001 John Ashcroft for Attorney General N 01/30/2001 Gale Ann Norton for Secretary of the Interior N 01/30/2001 Christine Todd Whitman for Administrator of the EPA Y 01/24/2001 Thompson for Secretary of Health and Human Services Y 01/24/2001 Norman Y. Mineta for Secretary of Transportation Y 01/23/2001 Anthony Principi for Secretary of Veterans Affairs Y 01/23/2001 Martinez for Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Y
Family and Children Issues
Date Bill Title Vote 07/25/2006 Child Custody Protection Act N 07/25/2006 Teen Pregnancy Education Amendment Y 07/14/2004 Federal Marriage Amendment N 04/10/2003 Enhance AMBER Alert bill Y 02/24/2003 Enhance AMBER Alert bill Y
Foreign Aid and Policy Issues
Date Bill Title Vote 09/07/2006 Media in the Middle East Amendment N 03/16/2006 National Defense Funding Amendment N 11/15/2005 Reporting Matters in Iraq Amendment Y 11/15/2005 Iraq Progress Reports Amendment Y 12/07/2001 International Courts Amendment Y
Government Reform
Date Bill Title Vote 11/19/2002 Homeland Security Act of 2002 Y
Gun Issues
Date Bill Title Vote 07/13/2006 Firearm Confiscation Prohibition Amendment N 07/29/2005 Firearms Manufacturers Protection bill N 07/28/2005 Child Safety Lock Amendment Y 03/02/2004 Firearms Manufacturers Protection bill N
Health Issues
Date Bill Title Vote 11/03/2005 Medicaid Generic Drug Amendment Y 11/03/2005 Medical Assistance and Prescription Drug Amendment Y 11/03/2005 Hurricane Health Care for Survivors Amendment Y 10/27/2005 AIDS Drug Assistance Program Amendment Y 03/17/2005 Medicaid Amendment N 06/27/2003 Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit bill N 07/31/2002 Greater Access to Affordable Pharmaceuticals Act Y 06/29/2001 Patients' Bill of Rights bill Y
Immigration (Back to top)
Date Bill Title Vote 10/31/2006 Secure Fence Act of 2006 Y 07/13/2006 Double-Layered Fencing Amendment N 06/20/2006 Triple-Layered Fencing Amendment Y 05/25/2006 Confidentiality Requirement Amendment N 05/25/2006 Immigration Reform Bill Y 05/24/2006 H-2C Visa Program Ammendment Y 05/23/2006 Orange Card Program Amendment Y 05/23/2006 Employer Verification Amendment Y 05/18/2006 "State Criminal Alien Assistance Program" Amendment Y 05/18/2006 English As National Language Amendment N 05/18/2006 English as Unifying Language Amendment Y 05/17/2006 Employment-based Immigrant Visa Amendment N
Date Bill Title Vote 06/21/2006 Increasing Minimum Wage Amendment N 06/21/2006 Minimum Wage Adjustment Amendment Y 03/06/2001 Ergonomics Regulations resolution N
Legal Issues
Date Bill Title Vote 02/10/2005 Class Action Fairness Act of 2005 N 04/22/2004 Victims' Rights bill Y 03/25/2004 Unborn Victims of Violence Act 2004 N
Military Issues (Back to top)
Date Bill Title Vote 09/28/2006 Oversight of CIA Interrogation and Detention Amendment Y 09/28/2006 Military Commissions Act of 2006 N 09/28/2006 Habeas Review Amendment Y 09/28/2006 Military Commissions Amendment Y 09/06/2006 Cluster Munitions Amendment N 06/22/2006 Troop Redeployment Amendment N 02/02/2006 Military Funding and Tax Cuts Amendment Y 05/21/2004 Condemning Iraq Abuse of Prisoners resolution Y 10/11/2002 Use of Military Force Against Iraq Y
National Security Issues
Date Bill Title Vote 09/13/2006 Security of Cargo Containers Amendment Y 09/12/2006 National Security Amendment Y 07/12/2006 Rail and Transit Security Amendment Y 07/11/2006 USEMA Amendment N 07/11/2006 FEMA Amendment Y 03/02/2006 USA PATRIOT and Terrorism Prevention Reauthorization Y 12/16/2005 USA PATRIOT and Terrorism Prevention Reauthorization N 07/14/2005 Disclosure of Classified Information Amendment Y 10/06/2004 National Intelligence Reform Act of 2004 Y 10/25/2001 USA Patriot Act of 2001 Y 09/14/2001 Military Force Authorization resolution Y
Science and Medical Research
Date Bill Title Vote 07/18/2006 Stem Cell Research Bill Y
Senior and Social Security Issues
Date Bill Title Vote 02/02/2006 Medicare Part D Amendment Y 11/17/2005 Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Amendment Y 11/03/2005 Prescription Drug Plan Amendment Y 11/03/2005 Medicare Premiums Amendment Y 03/17/2005 Prescription Drugs Amendment Y
Social Issues
Date Bill Title Vote 06/07/2006 Same Sex Marriage Resolution N 06/11/2002 Hate Crimes Bill Y
Technology and Communication
Date Bill Title Vote 10/22/2003 Reduction of SPAM bill Y 09/25/2003 Do-Not-Call Registry bill Y 09/16/2003 FCC Media Ownership bill Y
Trade Issues (Back to top)
Date Bill Title Vote 09/19/2006 U.S.-Oman Free Trade Agreement Implementation Y 06/29/2006 U.S. -Oman Free Trade Agreement Y 07/28/2005 CAFTA Implementation Bill N 06/30/2005 CAFTA Implementation Bill N 07/07/2003 U.S.-Singapore Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act Y 07/07/2003 U.S.-Chile Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act Y 08/01/2002 Trade Act of 2002 N
Transportation Issues
Date Bill Title Vote 07/29/2005 Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users Y 05/17/2005 Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users Y 02/12/2004 Highway Trust Fund bill Y 06/12/2003 Aviation Administration FY2004-2006 Authorization bill Y 09/21/2001 Air Transportation Safety and System Stabilization Act Y
Veterans Issues
Date Bill Title Vote 02/02/2006 Tax Rate Extension Amendment Y 11/17/2005 Additional Funding For Veterans Amendment Y 10/05/2005 Health Care for Veterans Amendment Y