Subpoenas in Fired U.S. Attorney Probe (33 comments )
Linda Sanchez's subcommittee of House Judiciary has issued subpoenas for four of the eight U.S. Attorneys fired by the Bush Administration, including Carol Lam, whose office nailed Duke Cunningham and has now indicted the former #3 at the CIA in what seems to be a huge national-security corruption scandal. It looks as if the four are willing to tell their stories, but only if they are compelled to do so.
(It might be interesting to ask them who asked them to keep silent.)
The Republicans on Sanchez's subcommittee boycotted the meeting where the subpoenas were voted on. Nice of them to help make this a partisan issue, isn't it?
The Deputy AG is already on record before Congress as saying the firings weren't for political reasons. Sounds as if the victims are going to say otherwise, with documents to back them up.
I've heard two lines of analysis about this case:
1. The Administration's need to tamp down the enthusiasm among the U.S. Attorneys for corruption cases, and to disrupt the specific cases the fired U.S. Attorneys were working, must have been overwhelming. The coming firestorm was predictable; they must have thought the alternative was even worse.
2. Naaahhh, they're just such a bunch of arrogant jerks it never occurred to them there was some stuff they couldn't get away with anymore.
On current evidence, I can't judge the plausibility of either one. I also can't think of a third. ......(more)
The complete piece is at: