Many comments being made here are true such as there has always has been a left, middle, and right to the Democratic party.
This is a difference though. Lately in investigating the DLC, Th Jewish Lobby, The Council for National Policy; Cato institute, Heritage Foundation, American Enterprise Institute; you start to see patterns emerging. The same names keep popping up. Funding coming from the same people producing the same results.
You start looking into the origins of the DLC and you will not be so sure this is like anything else.
Consider this:
Jackson and Moynihan: The Missing Links
To show exactly what the DLC's and Brazile's invoking the legacy of Scoop Jackson means, a brief look at the 1970s, when the neo-conservatives in the Democratic Party grouped themselves into the Coalition for a Democratic Majority (CDM), is necessary. The CDM's two leading lights in Congress were the Democratic Senators Jackson and Moynihan. The Cold Warrior and fanatically pro-Israel Jackson remains the model for the DLC crowd today. The DLC's former President, Sen. Joe Lieberman declares he is proud to be identified as a " 'Scoop' Jackson Democrat." It was these two Senators' offices that housed the Leo Straussian "Children of Satan" behind the no-exit Iraq War.
From Jackson's staff came:
* Paul Wolfowitz, now Deputy Secretary of Defense and a leading Straussian chicken-hawk;
* Richard Perle (on Jackson's staff from 1969 until going into the Defense Department in 1981), and until his recent forced resignation, chairman of Rumsfeld's Defense Policy Board. It is reported that Perle maintains Democratic Party membership to this day, out of fealty to Scoop. Perle later brought along Doug Feith, now Rumsfeld's Undersecretary for Policy, who has been a Perle "groupie" since the late 1970s, largely due to Feith's family background deep in the terrorist movement founded by Zionist fascist Vladimir Jabotinsky. In the 1980s, Feith financed Perle through the International Advisers Inc., a firm in which Feith was the only stockholder;
* Frank Gaffney, who heads the Center for Security Policy, a "private" neo-con group which cheerleads for imperial wars and brutally anti-Palestinian policies;
From Moynihan's office came:
* Elliott Abrams, an Iran/Contra convict who now tries to shape Administration Middle East policy from the National Security Council staff;
* Abram Shulsky, who heads the Office of Special Plans under Feith in the Pentagon, which concocted fraudulent intelligence estimates used by the Administration to justify the Iraq War;
* Gary Schmitt, the head of the empire-promoting Project for a New American Century and a close collaborator of Shulsky. Schmitt worked under Roy Godson of the National Strategy Information Center in the early 1980s. Anti-LaRouche operative Godson was active in the CDM in the 1970s, narrowly escaped prosecution in the Iran-Contra scandals of the 1980s, and now is a consultant to Feith and Shulsky's Office of Special Plans.
Any names you recognize in there?
The CDM was perhaps the precursor to the DLC. I would suggest people here defending the DLC look a little closer at who is associated to whom. I have always believed if you belong to the same club it most likely means you have similar thoughts on things or am I wrong on that.
Lastly and most importantly we can no longer do along to avoid confrontation hoping to remain centrist. I believe Democrats need to be bold in their leadership; the nation is ready for new direction but if Democrats continue to appear as what might be considered Republican-lite then the policy changes imperative to the very survival of the United States let along the party agenda remains in doubt for me.