have been several expose’s regarding the treatment our wounded warriors receive when the return to the States. The most profound was the Washington Post piece exposing the terrible conditions and treatment of the wounded in Barracks 18 of Walter Reed Hospital.
The immediate reaction was to slap a coat of paint on the moldy walls.
Newsweek disclosed that 200,000 veterans are homeless in the U.S.-including up to 1,000 Iraq War veterans.
It has been reported that the Army is holding down disability ratings to save money.
The military is charging vets for gear that is lost or damaged on the battlefield.
GIs are being charged for meals and back combat pay when they are wounded, and reported to credit bureaus when they are unable to pay.
You can imagine my dismay when I read this Army Times story:
Walter Reed patients told to keep quiet
The DOD’s solution to these ugly stories is to remove access to the media, force the soldiers into 7 a.m. formations and room inspections daily, and move them to an internal location where the press does not have access to them. These are the same rights that these brave soldiers and Marines are fighting for ... my son has fought for, been wounded for, and is still healing from inside.
So, you say you support the troops. I encourage you to forego the yellow ribbon from China and call your Senators and Congressmen to request an investigation into the way we treat our soldiers when they come home. Shame on us, as Americans, for allowing this treatment to go on for so long.