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***DUzy Awards for week ending March 2, 2007***

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
JeffR Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-02-07 07:15 PM
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***DUzy Awards for week ending March 2, 2007***
Edited on Fri Mar-02-07 07:25 PM by JeffR

Welcome to this week's DUzy Awards, honoring gnarly knee-slappers, nimble nuttiness and nifty nonsense from this week on DU. Congratulations to this week's winners!
And watch for a "DUzy of the Month" poll this Sunday.

The stemless and seedless DUzies will be announced every Friday, if I get around to it. Previous awards can be found in my journal.

Note to Mods: Skinner has authorized the DUzy Awards to be posted in GD.

OP by Horse with no Name:

      Will the paid operatives please check in here
That way we don't have to wonder who you are? :evilgrin:

response #4 by Nikki Stone1:

      I am a paid operative for the banana slug
who is looking more and more like the best candidate for 08

response #12 by LoZoccolo:

      I admit, I am the DLC operative responsible for driving the truck...
...full of duplicating equipment to run off copies of the Dean scream to give to the media. We made the tape where the mixing board only had the close microphone that Dean was holding turned up to make him look crazy. We knew he was going to scream so we set it up like that. Then we quickly jumped into a truck full of mini-DV tape decks to run off dozens of copies and drove them around to the media, where they accepted the footage without question and complied with our request to air it. It was our secret, until someone here figured out that it was us responsible for the whole thing. And we would have gotten away with it if it hadn't been for you sneaky kids.

response #16 by Jackpine Radical:

      Don't you know threads like this make us look bad?...
Help me answer this email I got from a Freeper friend...
How come you people are attacking a sensible centrist like Joe Lieberman? I think he'd be our strongest candidate in '08...
The DLC is right. Kucinich will drive voters away...
Our politicians HAD to vote for the IWR. Anything else would have been political suicide.

(Is the interview over yet? Do I get the job? You can send me the monthly payments by PayPal to

response #18 by Bucky:

      I'm secretly working for Clark. Not Wes Clark, but President Clark from "Babylon 5"
My secret mission is to figure out which poster is really Billy Mumy.

GD, February 23, 2007:

On a thread by connecticut yankee:

      Lieberman: I Won't Switch to GOP

response #1 by jilln:

      What, he has a time machine?

GDP, February 23, 2007:

On a thread by RedG1:

      Dick Morris owes over $280,000 in Connecticut back taxes

response #2 by Fluffdaddy:

      Paying woman to let you suck their toes can get very Expensive.....I Guess

response #3 by Ken Burch:

      Maybe he tried to deduct the toesucking costs as a "business expense".

response #6 by KamaAina:

      Naturally he'd leave the taxpayers to "foot" the bill

LBN, February 23, 2007:

OP by RummyTheDummy:

      Hit the open water for a 7 day cruise....with Bill Kristol and Fred Barnes!
The Neocon Love Boat sets sail for 7 glorious days of fun, food and entertainment. Hate mongering and lies included! /

-Special panels, sessions and programming
-Access to, and dining with guest speakers
-Traveling with like-minded conservatives (sounds like a barrel of laughs)

On edit: I wonder how many times the phrase "Get me another Chivas Regal, BOY" will be thrown around that week?

response #3 by DRoseDARs:

      I'd hate to have to be the deckhand on that ship...
...swabbing the poop deck of all that bile. *shudder*

response #5 by maine_raptor:

      Maybe we'll be lucky and it will turn out to be a 3 hour tour
One can hope.

response #13 by Jacobin:

      "With open kool aid bar"

response #17 by BerryBush:

      Does anyone remember when Bill O'Reilly advertised such a cruise a few years ago
and it had to be canceled due to LACK OF INTEREST???

It was a riot.

I guess the promise of free loofahs for every passenger and the Unlimited Falafel Bar just weren't appealing enough.

GD, February 24, 2007:

On a thread by Doondoo:

      Can smelling a cheeseburger shorten your life?

response #4 by antfarm:


response #5 by The Straight Story:

      No eating them in cars, or cooking them in attached condos, or near kids
soon, we will all have our wonderful bubbles and control of all bodies will belong to the body snatchers.

response #6 by antfarm:

      OMG the CHILDREN!!!!!!
You can snatch my body as long as it keeps them SAFE!!!!!!!!!

response #19 by seabeyond:

      the moment your cheeseburger smell hits my nose is the moment you have no rights
that is all i am saying.

on edit: i forgot. :sarcasm:

GD, February 24, 2007:

On a thread by Doondoo:

      Idaho considers making English official language

response #7 by Dhalgren:

      What do they speak in Idaho, now?

response #9 by struggle4progress:

      Republicant -- a raspy guttural dialect especially useful for hate speech

response #8 by shain from kane:

      Will they change the name of the state? I'm the whore is the English translation.

response #16 by mbperrin:

      Why English? This look like England to you?
We kicked their ass in 1776 and again in 1812 when they tried sneaking back in again. We won, dammit! Don't wanna speak a slave language! We won, and by gawd, I wanna talk USese! We're being culturally enslaved by a tiny island! Help!

LBN, February 24, 2007:

On a thread by Quixote1818:

      Rudy Giuliani makes fun of a man with Parkinson’s during radio call in…

response #14 by mitchum:

      Yeah, but I'm sure someone with Parkinson's has made fun of...
corrupt, strutting egotists with ridiculous comb overs.
So it's all even, y'know.

GD, February 24, 2007:

On a thread by Esra Star:

      US Vice-President Cheney's plane diverted

response #2 by Greeby:

      The plane had other priorities nt

response #28 by daleo:

      He was sucking the energy out of the fuel line
Typical for Cheney.

response #13 by Whoa_Nelly:

      Libby Trial Jury Still Out
Not time to return to the US yet :evilgrin:

response #20 by Zorra:

      Maybe he's visiting Ken Lay at his little Chinese hideaway? nt

response #14 by brook:

      Jeez. Maybe he's defecting!
I wish. :(

response #24 by seasat:

      He must have been flying Jet Blue n/t

response #40 by merwin:

      The JetBlue planes don't even take off though. They sit on the tarmac for
10 hours.

response #29 by Phredicles:

      Ahh, the kitchen was probably just out of puppies.
Still, if it's another what-passes-in-Cheney-for-a-heart attack, I won't exactly grieve.


response #46 by leomcgarrysghost:

      Cheney discovers air travel
Anyone who flies domestic know that planes have problems all the time. About time Cheney experienced the same problem the rest of us schmucks have to deal with. Lose his baggage too, while they're at it.

Plenty of other great responses in the thread.

Special thanks to babylonsister for the heads-up on this one.:patriot:

LBN, February 24, 2007:

On a thread by Lex:

      MSNBC Breaking: Plane Carrying Cheney Diverted for Unspecified Reason.

response #2 by El Supremo:

      Did his pacemaker not have software...
to account for the international dateline?

response #13 by aint_no_life_nowhere:

      Did he get drunk and shoot someone again?
Maybe he had the plane fly through a flock of geese and accidentally shot another friend in the face.

response #24 by Xipe Totec:

      The rifling was off
he accidentally shot the copilot.

He was aiming for the flight attendant.

Emergency stop to the nearest gunsmith.

response #46 by jazzjunkysue:

      Needed to top off the blood casks. Dang. Got caught this time.
I hope they find a way to reconstitute from powder some day.

response #54 by leftstreet:

      Air Force took over 20 minutes to scramble the 101st Pacemakers

response #63 by B Calm:

      Damn they raised a stink about Pelosi's plane, how about one that
has the capability to fly an 800 year old vampire non stop to Australia?

Special thanks to babylonsister for the heads-up on this one.:patriot:

GD, February 24, 2007:

On a thread by Doondoo:

      Va. principal deems Jesus chant offensive (Catholics shouted "We Love Jesus" at Jewish students)

response #2 by unblock:

      saviors love it when their holy name is used as a sports cheer!
onward, christian dribblers!

response #3 by aquart:

      Jesus was a good Jewish boy.
And his Jewish mother loved him.

response #4 by NCevilDUer:

      Then his father brought him into the family business. nt

LBN, February 24, 2007:

On a thread by WillyT:

      White House Conducts Bomb Drill (Bush Takes Bike Ride)

response #1 by CrazyOrangeCat:

      Any fatalities from the bike ride?

response #6 by aint_no_life_nowhere:

      After riding his bike, Bush had the White House chef make him some peanut butter
and honey sandwiches. After that he had Condi read him a portion of "The Hungry Caterpillar" before enjoying his afternoon nappy-time time, of course with the help of "Mr. Pillie" under his head.

GD, February 24, 2007:

OP by LostInAnomie:

      I just heard! Skinner's going to sell off the Lounge!
They're going to turn it into an Arby's! :o

response #1 by Left Is Write:

      They should turn it into an Old Country Buffet instead.

response #2 by LostInAnomie:

      That would just be silly
Be serious, would you! :P

response #3 by Left Is Write:

      Okay, okay.
A Golden Corral, then.

The Lounge, February 25, 2007:

On a thread by KelleyKramer:

      Entire Walton family lose almost all their wealth in less than 50 years, is it believable??

response #8 by Ken Burch:

      Oh...SAM Walton's family...
For a minute there I thought you meant John Boy and Mary Ellen and Jim Bob and the rest of them.

GD, February 25, 2007:

On a thread by The Straight Story:

      123-Pound Burger, $379 - only in America....
Weighing in at 123 pounds, this giant burger features an 80-pound beef patty, a 30-pound bun, 12 tomatoes and 160 slices of cheese. Denny's Beer Barrel Pub also throws on a pound each of lettuce, ketchup, mustard and mayo -- and up to five onions.

response #8 by BlooInBloo:

      If there's bacon on it, count me in!

response #28 by LostInAnomie:

I demand a refund!

response #42 by The Straight Story:

      I wonder if you can buy 8 packs of those buns at wal mart?
Just in case ya want to make one at home :)

GD, February 25, 2007:

On a thread by Judi Lynn:

      Bush launches fundraising campaign

response #6 by TOJ:

      He cut his bikeriding vacation short to go on the campaign trail
up next: two hours of actual work.

response #10 by Catch22Dem:

      Ricky Martin as headliner?
That must have raised tens of dollars!

LBN, February 26, 2007:

OP by IanDB1:

      BREAKING: U.S. Supreme Court Awards Al Gore's Oscar to George W. Bush!

Special thanks to Kurovski for the heads-up on this one.:patriot:

GD, February 26, 2007:

OP by stopbush:

      DNA Tests Link Jesus to Anna Nicole, Sharpton & Thurmond
Just thought I'd tie all of the DNA stories in the news into one tidy little bundle... :)

response #3 by valerief:

      Is Jesus the daddy now? nt

response #4 by helderheid:

      Maybe that was it. I was sure there was a Britney connection though. Could she be the father?

response #8 by newburgh:

      Yeah, but Zsa Zsa will still end up with all the money ; )

GD, February 26, 2007:


      GOP announces the elephant is dead
in keeping with Bush policies and in order to not embarrass the president, the GOP has now adopted the ostrich as its symbol. If it's good enough for our President to hide from things he'd rather not acknowledge, it's good enough for us.

Surveys among GOP loyalists show strong support for the new symbol. They admire the quick adoption by the GOP Senators who refused to discuss the Iraq surge even though Iraq is the single most important issue to their constituents.

A few loyalists requested that a diaper be placed on the ostrich's behind so they didn't have to inadvertently see any private parts.

Others did not recognize the animal based on the 'head in the sand' sketch. They asked if the beheading was intended to demonstrate strength to al quaida.

GDP, February 26, 2007:

On a thread by goclark:

      PIckles has her fingers crossed on Larry King

response #17 by frazzledmom:

      You mean, he doesn't have Anna Nicoles best friend's third cousin
twice removed on tonight?

response #29 by Buzz Clik:

      Crawford, Texas. Hello!
CALLER: "Larry, I just wanna tell the first lady that she's a hottie and smart as a whippersnapper."

KING: "So, Mrs. Bush, are you a hotty?"

LAURA: "You tell me. Do you like what I'm doing with my foot under your desk?"

KING: "Uh... what? Sorry, but I'm numb from my cheekbones down to my toes."

LAURA: "Oh, boy. You know what we call people like you in Midland?"

KING: "Flamboyant? Debonair?"

LAURA: "Dead. Are we almost done here?"

GD, February 26, 2007:

On a thread by sabra:

      Assassination attempt on Cheney; WH decided not to wake up Bush

response #2 by FightingIrish:

      That's surprising.
Bush is just a heartbeat away from being president. They would have to tell him sometime if something happened to Uncle Dick, wouldn't they?

GD, February 27, 2007:

OP by mtnsnake:

      Breaking News: Dick Cheney shatters the world record for the 100 meter dash
shaving more than 3 seconds off Justin Gatlin's previous record.

The AP is reporting that Cheney ran the 100 meters in 6 seconds flat after a bomb exploded a few miles away from the military base in Afghanistan where Cheney had been holed up for the night. As Cheney bolted from his bed to his plane after being awoken by the loud boom, witnesses said they heard him screaming, "Get me the fuck off of this base and outta here. RIGHT NOW!!!%@!!"

Cheney's dash to his plane was inadvertently timed when a guard, one who just happened to be taking some videos of wild Afghan chipmunks in the vicinity, caught the entire incident on tape. Measurements were then made from Cheney's bed to his plane, and the actual distance was 100.8 meters, confirming that Cheney had indeed set a new record.

One soldier said the vice president's dash created a blazing streak of light similar to that made by Chevy Chase when he zipped down that icy hill on his greased saucer in "Christmas Vacation".

Another witness who witnessed Cheney's record-setting dash said the vice president left a gaping hole measuring 4 feet in diameter in a concrete security wall that stood between Cheney's room and his plane.

Congratulations, Dick! You're the fastest man in the world!!

GD, February 27, 2007:

On a thread by TacticalPeek:

      ***BREAKING: The jury sent a note to Judge Walton at the end of the day today.

response #15 by edbermac:

      They just want to know if Anna Nicole has been buried yet.

Special thanks to Buzz Clik for the heads-up on this one.:patriot:

GD, February 27, 2007:

On a thread by sinkingfeeling:

      How many of you are going to Houston to see the 'Pizza Pan Virgin Mary'?

response #14 by TlalocW:

      This is bullshit
Virgin Mary wouldn't appear on a pizza pan belonging to a Houston cafeteria. She'd go to Chicago and get involved with some deep-dish pizza miracle.

Mmmmm... sacrelicious.

The Lounge, February 27, 2007:

On a thread by CreekDog:

      Freepers here?

response #2 by CrazyOrangeCat:

there are some here.

strange hobby . . . but I suppose life in ma's basement gets pretty strange . . .

response #6 by TomInTib:

      What I do in my Mother's basement is my own business.
Why are you Socialists trying to control my life?

I just came to this site to try to find my buddy Bob Boudelang.

GD, February 27, 2007:

On a thread by CatWoman:

      Gore Responds To Drudge’s Latest Hysterics

response #34 by Liberal Veteran:

      Sometimes I get the feeling that some people wouldn't be satisfied..
...if Al Gore lived in a mud house powered by solar panels and drove a bicycle made out of recycled aluminum cans to his speaking engagements wearing a loin cloth woven by his wife out of bits of plastic retrieved from a local landfill.

GD, February 27, 2007:

On a thread by babylonsister:

      Beware of pizza parties with John Ashcroft!

response #4 by tomreedtoon:

      You'd have to listen to "Let The Eagle Soar" again!
But because of spending restrictions, Ashcroft would be accompanied by a blind accordianist from the 700 Club and a cub scout on a kazoo.

GDP, February 27, 2007:

On a thread by LSK:

      Trivia question: Where was "Mission Accomplished" located at?

response #5 by NanceGreggs:

      Inside Bush's head ...
... just to the south of his tiny pea-brain.

response #11 by B Calm:

      Is this when he was Too Stupid to Unhook his Parachute Harness"
and paraded around on the deck of the carrier with his testicles pulled up to his belly button?

response #12 by Demobrat:

      You mean his sock.

response #14 by Ron_Green:

      That pic was taken aboard the U.S.S. Photo Opportunity.

GD, February 27, 2007:

On a thread by oberliner:

      Was Thomas Jefferson the first Jewish president?

response #2 by babylonsister:

      Oy gevalt! nt

response #5 by Atman:

      Don't forget his black Jewish son...
Sammy Davis Jefferson.

Left out of many history books.

response #13 by leftofthedial:

      I thought he was the first black president.
what next? Was Thomas Jefferson the first mime President?

Special thanks to NanceGreggs for the heads-up on this one.:patriot:

GD, February 27, 2007:

On a thread by Beetwasher:

      So, Our Stock Market Is Susceptible To RANDOM CATASTROPHIC "GLITCHES"

response #1 by Error:

nobody sperfect...

response #9 by Neshanic:

      "Open the pod bay door HAL."

GD, February 27, 2007:

On a thread by Bluebear:

      PHOTO: You know, it's the ONLY situation in which she seems to smile
OP shows a photo of a beaming Secretary Rice gazing at her boss.

response #1 by Horse with no Name:

      She gazed at him...longingly and lovingly and yearned for the man
who would never be hers...

response #3 by Bluebear:

      He regarded her, catching a glimpse of what was never there before...
or was it always there? He seemed confused.

response #6 by Horse with no Name:

      Of course, his confusion was often mistaken with the organic brain injury caused
by years of binge drinking. If only he had met her sooner...

response #8 by babylonsister:

      But he retained that gleam, that distant memory, of how they were
comrades in arms, fighting for world domination...together.

response #12 by Horse with no Name:

      and the image of him on a flight deck with a large codpiece was etched into her
mind. The thought was enough to make her shift in her seat...

response #21 by babylonsister:

      and recall all the shafting they'd done to the American people, how
they stuck together, through thick and thin. And the throngs doubted, especially when the blood started flowing, but that only added to the 'rightness' of their cause. The blood joined them, and they became one.

GD, February 27, 2007:

OP by yurbud:

      A thought on blast near Cheney--how did secret service determine he wasn't dead?
No pulse, no body temperature, eyes half-open staring off into space, head nodded forward with chin resting on chest....

All of those are normal for him.

response #1 by Cobalt-60:

      They released a fly in front of him
And his tongue lashed out.

Other great responses in the thread.

GD, February 28, 2007:

OP by MonkeyFunk:

      ok... who gave my dog rancid kim-chi?
I feed him a quality dry food. And he's farting like Ernest Borgnine after a Cream Ale bender. Fess up!

Special thanks to Little Wing for the heads-up on this one.:patriot:

The Lounge, February 28, 2007:

On a thread by donheld:

      Prince Charles calls for 'ban' on McDonald's

response #1 by Kutjara:

      He's never been the same since he discovered...
...they don't sell McFoieGras.

GD, February 28, 2007:

On a thread by Forkboy:

      Ailing Castro says 'I feel good'

response #1 by mindfulNJ:

      uh oh
That's what James Brown said.

LBN, February 28, 2007:

On a thread by SoCalDem:

      Why was Karen Hughes in Baghdad?
U.S. Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy Karen Hughes carries a baby, who was injured in a car bomb attack in Ramadi...

response #3 by youngdem:

      Right after this photo, she ATE the baby. True story.

Special thanks to babylonsister for the heads-up on this one.:patriot:

GD, March 1, 2007:

On a thread by sinkingfeeling:

      USAToday - "Saddam ammo caches deadly"

response #13 by tanyev:

      That's it! We need to go in there and take out Saddam NOW!
Oh, wait....

LBN, March 1, 2007:

On a thread by krispos42:

      trained scientists have reported seeing a live dinosaur

response #1 by baldguy:

      Sam Neill, Laura Dern and Jeff Goldblum are not trained scientists.

response #6 by PA Democrat:

      Yabba-dabba do! n/t

response #19 by Bornaginhooligan:

      Well, they are trained scientists.
It takes a lot of training to distinguish between dinosaurs, dragons, godzilla, and, of course, mechazilla.

response #26 by SalmonChantedEvening:

      They do exist!! They lost control of Congress this past November :)

Special thanks to wryter2000 for the heads-up on this one.:patriot:

GD, March 1, 2007:

On a thread by AnnInLa: bites the dust

response #1 by MonkeyFunk:

"the entire staff"

Who, him and his pet spider?

response #23 by TahitiNut:

      His rod and his staff give him comfort.

response #15 by Gatchaman:

      "consultation with the entire staff"

I guess yelling up from the basement, "Mom, I'm going to take down my Olberman web site" counts as consultation with the staff.

Plenty more great responses in the thread.

Special thanks to wryter2000 for the heads-up on this one.:patriot:

GD, March 1, 2007:

OP by KG :

      OMFG! JFK Insider Arthur Schlesinger Dies at 89! was he.......wellstoned?

what did he know, and when did he know it?


The Lounge, March 1, 2007:

On a thread by UTUSN:

      Shrub sez our country is made up of some "prayerful" & the rest, HEATHEN SCUM!!1

response #13 by RedStateShame:

      Isn't the term "President Bush" proof enough that prayer isn't that effective?

Special thanks to NanceGreggs for the heads-up on this one.:patriot:

GD, March 2, 2007:

On a thread by IanDB1:

      Swiss Soldiers Accidentally Invade Liechtenstein

response #1 by xchrom:

      shit -- they coulda walked right on through --
in about two minutes.

then it coulda been an international international incident.

response #2 by Teaser:

      I did that once too.
Most countries, entities, people, and objects will, at one point or another, accidentally invade Liechtenstein.

response #11 by hootinholler:

      What nobody had a knife with the compass in it?

GD, March 2, 2007:

On a thread by 133724:

      Liechtenstein: no retaliation for Swiss 'invasion'

response #9 by Poiuyt:

      If George Bush were president of Liechtenstein, to retaliate, he'd invade Luxembourg
in about two minutes.

GD, March 2, 2007:

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NanceGreggs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-02-07 07:28 PM
Response to Original message
God damn, you people make me laugh -- and it feels GREAT!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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InternalDialogue Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-02-07 07:29 PM
Response to Original message
2. Damn, this is the best set of DUZYs yet.
:toast: to all the winners!

And kudos to JeffR for another great wrap-up. Highlight of the week, and always worth waiting around for on Friday evening.


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wryter2000 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-02-07 07:32 PM
Response to Original message
3. Every week about this time
I have to explain to the people I work with that I'm not crying. Today, the tears of laughter were joined by wheezes of repressed guffaws.
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MsKandice01 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-02-07 07:36 PM
Response to Original message
4. I laughed out loud so many times while reading this...
This is great stuff! I love DUers!!!
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Kurovski Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-02-07 07:41 PM
Response to Original message
5. Yabba-dabba do!
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FourScore Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-02-07 07:41 PM
Response to Original message
6. These are great, JeffR


Excellent choices!!!
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Buzz Clik Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-02-07 07:48 PM
Response to Original message
7. Ok ok. I've got my breath back.
The Cheney threads were magnificient. All of them.

But this -- this was golden:

Ailing Castro says 'I feel good'

response #1 by mindfulNJ:
uh oh. That's what James Brown said.


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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-02-07 08:18 PM
Response to Original message
8. Always so much fun to read; thank you, Jeff, and fellow DUers! nt
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CrazyOrangeCat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-02-07 08:21 PM
Response to Original message
9. "farting like Ernest Borgnine on a Cream Ale bender."
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Blue Belle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-02-07 09:46 PM
Response to Reply #9
12. I laughed till I cried with that one!
Oh man! This list was great!
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CrazyOrangeCat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-02-07 10:08 PM
Response to Reply #12
13. yeah, the orange cat . . .
. . . woke up from her beauty sleep because I was busting a gut at that particular image . . .:rofl:
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Blue Belle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-02-07 10:20 PM
Response to Reply #13
14. I know!! the imagary is so vivid!!
I guess know will will fully appreciate it unless you've been there - the creme ale aftershocks I mean.
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JeffR Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-03-07 01:51 AM
Response to Reply #14
19. Late kick. Night, DU.

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live love laugh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-02-07 08:42 PM
Response to Original message
10. Wow you put a lot of hard work into this and it's great. Thanks for
putting this together.

P.S. Did you consult with your "staff" on this issue? :rofl:
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JeffR Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-02-07 11:04 PM
Response to Reply #10
17. Mom gave it a thumbs-up
Next we're going to put together something to keep an eye on that freedom-hater KO.

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live love laugh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-03-07 01:46 AM
Response to Reply #17
18. LOL.
:hi: :rofl:
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badgerpup Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-02-07 09:25 PM
Response to Original message
11. Note to self....
Put beverage DOWN before reading DUzy Awards!

These were great...but I need a new keyboard now.

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helderheid Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-02-07 10:57 PM
Response to Reply #11
15. Ditto that!
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hootinholler Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-02-07 10:59 PM
Response to Original message
16. Thanks you! I've bookmarked it but...
Earnest Borgnine got my rec!

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corkhead Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-03-07 07:44 AM
Response to Original message
20. This should be on the DU front page every saturday!
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helderheid Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-03-07 07:25 PM
Response to Reply #20
26. YES!!
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radfringe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-03-07 08:02 AM
Response to Original message
21. LOVE IT!!!
You are doing a "heckava job" JeffR!!!! :rofl:
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JeffR Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-03-07 12:06 PM
Response to Reply #21
22. heh heh

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Beausoir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-03-07 01:10 PM
Response to Original message
23. I think this is the best edition yet! Laughed till I cried.
Thanks for all your hard work on this.
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KamaAina Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-03-07 02:02 PM
Response to Original message
24. You like me! You really like me!
(blush) First, of course, I'd like to thank the Academy, and my first-grade teacher Mr. Hess, and Seanie the orange tabby who I had when I was about 12, and...

(25 minutes later)

...and finally (WILD APPLAUSE) Dick Morris, without whose fetish none of this would have been possible!
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annabanana Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-03-07 02:50 PM
Response to Original message
25. The B*sh/Condi bodice ripper is my favortite. . . but they are. .
ALL gems.

(This is a very funny place)
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Hubert Flottz Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-04-07 12:52 PM
Response to Original message
27. That picture has burned itself into my brain forever!
I think we owe you a DUzy award for your Drooling Bangoist photo! It just looks Sooooo Danged Reel!
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JeffR Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-04-07 04:18 PM
Response to Reply #27
30. It's not often that we get a chance to see the preznit kickin' back
and servin' up some bluegrass after a hard day of clearin' brush.

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JeffR Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-04-07 01:58 PM
Response to Original message
28. DUzy of the Month poll is now up!
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SalmonChantedEvening Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-04-07 02:11 PM
Response to Reply #28
29. Great job as always JffR
And thank you for my DUzy :) :blush: :hi:
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